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After Lexa had thrown the necklace away, they sat down on the sand while they looked at the waves. Clarke was making figures in the sand while Lexa watched them and guessed them. Clarke’s phone buzzed the whole time and Clarke sighed. “I'm sorry." Clarke apologized and Lexa chuckled. "It's okay. It sounds urgent so maybe you should check it?" Lexa suggested and Clarke sighed while she took her phone. She didn't want to because she knew it would be Octavia and she knew she was right when she saw the texts of her friend. Lexa noticed how the blonde put her phone away again without texting back. "Everything okay?" Lexa asked because she saw something was bothering Clarke. "Yeah I'm fine. It's Octavia." 
"Don't you need to reply then?" Lexa asked and Clarke took a deep breath. "I don't want to. I don't know what has gotten into her head after that party but she’s acting weird.” 
“Weird? How?” 
“I don’t know. I’ll give you an example. She texted me after she had seen your story. Look.” Clarke said and she handed her phone over to Lexa. 

“Okay yeah that is strange

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“Okay yeah that is strange.” Lexa agreed while she gave Clarke her phone back. “Maybe she’s jealous?” Lexa said while she was thinking of reasons of Octavia’s behaviour. Clarke looked confused at the messages. “No. Why would she be jealous?” 
“I don’t know. Maybe because we didn’t invite her with us while we both know Octavia.” Lexa said and Clarke thought of it. “But that wouldn’t make any sense because Raven is with her right now.” 
“Then why are you here with me instead of being with your friends?” Lexa asked and Clarke looked at the sand again while she sighed. “Remember Murphy from the party?” Clarke asked and Lexa nodded. “Raven and him have history. They were in a relationship for some years. But lately they have been fighting more than they actually showed each other that they love each other. It became worse after Murphy fell in love with a new girl Emori. He kissed her while Raven and him had had a big fight and they’ve officially ended things between them. But then Raven confessed that she had closure sex with him and I might have overreacted and by the way you’re my friend now too.” Clarke said while she shoulder bumped Lexa. The brunette smiled back. “Overreacted in what way?” 
“I might have raised my voice. I just don’t understand how you can do something so stupid after you decided to break up. If it’s in a situation where you both can’t be with each other again and break up, it’s reasonable. But not when he loves someone else. That’s just stupid and he’s using you.” Clarke said and she got mad again, thinking of it. “I get what you mean. But what if it’s not like that. What if he didn’t use her. He didn’t choose to fall in love with that Emori girl. I don’t know him at all but I could see he was hurt yesterday. He cares about Raven. Maybe they did it, desperate to find what they had at the beginning again, scared of letting go.” Lexa said and Clarke thought of what the brunette said. “I just can’t understand it. Would you ever?” Clarke asked and she looked at Lexa again, who didn’t expect the question at was taken back by it. Clarke noticed her shocked reaction. “I’m sorry. You don’t need to answer that if it’s too personal.” 
“No! No, it’s not that. I actually feel really comfortable talking to you. It’s just that I didn’t expect the question and I’ve never thought of it.”
“Then I guess it’s time to now think of it. What would you have done if she had thrown herself at you one last time.” Clarke asked while she looked at Lexa with a penetrating look. This way Lexa could clearly see Clarke’s eyes. Those sapphire eyes looking at her like she could see right in her soul. Lexa had to focus so she wouldn’t get lost in those eyes. “Uhm, I don’t know. It would’ve felt wrong because her last sentence was her saying she wasn’t feeling she was in love with me anymore so if she had thrown herself at me I would’ve been confused and probably asked for answers before it escalated.” 
“Fair enough. Do you still talk to Costia?” Clarke asked and Lexa scoffed sadly. “Other than me texting her that I miss her almost daily I do not get much response of her.” 
“What does she reply on those?” Clarke asked and Lexa got her phone out and gave it to Clarke. 


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“So she’s a model too?” Clarke said and Lexa nodded softly. “She’s pretty.” Clarke said while she looked through the photo’s of Costia’s Instagram account. “Yeah she is for sure.” Lexa admitted and her voice shuddered not only because this was a sensitive subject but also because she was getting cold. “It’s getting late. I think we should be heading back.” Clarke suggested after she noticed Lexa’s shudders and Lexa agreed. 

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