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Now Lexa laid unconscious in Clarke’s arms, she was heavier. Clarke’s arms were shaking of the weight she had to carry but she wouldn’t give up. She couldn’t. She had to move and get out of here. She needed to get help or Lexa wouldn’t survive this. And she couldn’t handle that. “Somebody help me!” Clarke shouted into the darkness outside. The only thing she saw were trees. For the rest it was complete silence except for some birds chirping. Clarke started to lose hope and looked at Lexa’s unconscious body in her arms. “PLEASE!” She shouted on the top of her lungs and with all power inside of her. Clarke broke down in sobs. She fell down on her knees, holding Lexa close to her body. She hid her face in Lexa’s neck while she cried. “I’m sorry.” She sobbed and her heart ached. It was over. They were in the middle of the woods and no one probably knew this was even happening. While Clarke was sobbing for some seconds and cursing all above for doing this to her, she suddenly thinks of something. How did Lexa get here? Clarke inhaled while she looked around. Her vision was blurry of her tears but she forced herself to look carefully around in the darkness. Then she saw the reflection of the moonlight in the window of Lexa’s car. Clarke let out a sigh of relief as a piece of hope found its way into her heart again. She used all the energy that was left to stand up again and she walked to the car. “Stay with me baby.” Clarke said while she looked at Lexa to see if she was still alive. She could feel Lexa’s heartbeat but it was getting slow. She had to hurry to the hospital. Clarke let Lexa lean against the car and pulled on the door handle but it was locked. “Fuck.” She whispered under her breath. “Keys. Where did you do your keys?” Clarke asked while she searched Lexa’s clothes. She reached into Lexa’s back pockets of her jeans and found them. She unlocked the car and laid Lexa down on the back seats before getting in the car herself and driving away at full speed. She had no idea where she was and was grateful there was only one road yet and she didn’t have to choose which way because she had no idea. But she had spoken to soon because she saw the end of the road was near. She hit the steering wheel with her hand while cursing. “Go to the right.” She heard Lexa groaning and Clarke looked behind her to see Lexa conscious again. “Put pressure on the wound!” Clarke shouted and Lexa did with clenched teeth. Lexa described the way to the hospital and Clarke drove as fast as she could. She had to force herself to drive at full speed because she couldn’t help but think about her dad too. How he got hit by a car and died. What if she drove too fast so she wouldn’t be able to react if someone crossed the street? But if she kept herself on the speed limit, the love of her life would die. That last thought kept Clarke’s foot fully pressed on the gas pedal. When they arrived at hospital, Clarke ran inside to get some nurses to help get Lexa out of the car and into the hospital. Soon the nurses took over from her and dragged Lexa out of the car onto a stretcher. “Lincoln. Get me… Lincoln.” Lexa said weakly over her lips while the nurses inserted needles and tubes into her body to give her more blood and Clarke was worried about the brunette. The nurses didn’t understand but Clarke knew exactly  what Lexa wanted. “Lincoln Woods. Doctor Lincoln Woods. Get him and let him operate Lexa.” Clarke demanded to the nurses. “I’m sorry we can’t do that miss. Doctor Woods is with a patient right now. This is an emergency. We can’t wait.” 
“Lexa Woods. It’s his sister. Get him and let him fix her.” Clarke said again and the nurses looked at her with pity in their eyes. “I’m sorry ma’am. We can’t do that. The hospital doesn’t even allow family members to operate their close ones. They are personally too attached.” One of the nurses said and Clarke’s blood started to boil. “I’ll be right back.” Clarke said to Lexa and she ran through the hallways while shouting to the nurses where she could find Lincoln. “Clarke? What are you doing here?” Lincoln asked confused when he saw Clarke shouting in the hallways. Clarke’s clothes and hands were covered in blood and Lincoln looked at it with widened eyes. “What happened? Are you okay?” He asked while he looked at Clarke’s body to find any wounds. “It’s not mine. It’s Lexa’s.” Clarke said and Lincoln froze. Clarke took his hand and ran back to where they got in. Lexa wasn’t there anymore and Clarke’s heart fell in her chest. “No…” She said and Lincoln had to call her name a few times so she would respond again. “We got in here. She wants you to operate her. Costia… Costia shot her in the stomach.” Clarke explained while her breaths started to get faster and faster. “You’re hyperventilating. Follow my breathing.” Lincoln said and Clarke did. “They must have moved her to the emergency room.” Lincoln said and he started to run towards there while Clarke followed him. “I need to see my girlfriend.” They heard her say from behind a door and it made Clarke emotional. They opened the door and Clarke ran to Lexa who was laying down on a hospital bed. “Clarke.” Lexa whispered when she saw the blonde. “I’m here.” Clarke said while crying and removing Lexa’s hair out of her face. “I’m taking over as doctor here. You can’t stop me.” Lincoln said before the nurses could complain about the rules. “Get her to the operation room.” He said and the nurses pushed the bed onto the hallway. “I’m going to fix you, Lex.” Lincoln promised and Lexa nodded while swallowing the lump down her throat. “Wait.” Clarke said before the nurses were about to push Lexa into the operation room and were already holding Clarke back from entering too. “I love you.” Clarke said to Lexa and she saw how a faint smile formed on the brunette’s lips. “I’ll always be with you.” Lexa said and Clarke watched how Lexa disappeared behind the doors. For a while all she could do was stare while her whole body was shaking. She wasn’t in control anymore. Before she could do anything to save Lexa but now she had given that away to others and all she could do is wait. But wait on what though? On Lincoln to return to her and tell her she didn’t make it? Was this fixable? Just when Clarke thought she couldn’t cry anymore because all her tears were used up, she started again. She needed some distraction of this and walked to the counter of the hospital where a young woman was sitting behind. “Can I help you?” The woman asked and Clarke didn’t like to be looked with pity. “Can I call someone? I don’t have my phone with me.” Clarke said and the woman nodded while handing her the phone. Clarke dialed Octavia’s number in and the moment she heard her friend’s sleepy voice, still unknown of everything that happened this night, she sobbed again. “Octavia?” Clarke asked. “Clarke? What’s going on? Are you crying?” Octavia asked and Clarke explained everything that had happened. 

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