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Lexa saw Clarke staring at her afters she came out of the bathroom, attached to Clarke’s bedroom

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Lexa saw Clarke staring at her afters she came out of the bathroom, attached to Clarke’s bedroom. “What are you looking at?” Lexa asked with a grin while she rearranged the towel around her body. “My girlfriend’s body that is just…” Clarke said and she checked Lexa’s body from head to toe before finishing her sentence. “...WOW.” Clarke said and Lexa scoffed while she leaned over to give Clarke a kiss. When she wanted to pull away again, Clarke followed her head and chased after some more kisses. “Let me put some clothes on.” Lexa said while she chuckled and she started to dress in front of Clarke who wasn’t ashamed of peeking. “I like your tattoos by the way. I saw them in Australia on the beach too but I didn’t tell you back then.” Clarke said while she watched Lexa’s spine. “Already checking on my body in Australia, huh? U perv.” Lexa teased and Clarke threw a pillow at her. “Like you didn’t.” Clarke shot back. “Of course not. I’m a christian.” Lexa said and Clarke looked confused at the brunette. “Girl, you’re fucking gay! What are you talking about?!” Clarke asked while she laughed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a virgin actually.” Lexa said and Clarke laughed. Hearing Clarke laugh made Lexa laugh too. “Well can I take your virginity then?” Clarke asked and Lexa was shook. “Wow look at you. You make fast progress I must say.” Lexa said and Clarke smiled. “What can I say? I learned from the best.” Clarke said with a seductive grin and Lexa smiled at her too. “We will see about that.” Lexa said and she pulled a shirt over her head. “But when?” Clarke pouted and Lexa walked closer to her to kiss her pouting mouth. “You’re already impatient.” 
“Yes because I want to feel you.”
“Believe me that I want that too and you will. Just not now.” Lexa said and she kissed Clarke’s forehead before getting up again. “Why not?” Clarke asked and she reached for Lexa’s hand. “Because I have to work. I’m already late actually. And besides Raven caught us so it would be weird. Now I have to go.” Lexa said and she kissed Clarke on the lips one last time. “Do I see you tonight?” Clarke asked before Lexa was out. “If you want me too.” Lexa said and Clarke nodded. “Then I will be here.” Lexa said and blew a kiss before walking out of the bedroom. The moment she walked out she saw Raven sitting around the table, eating her cereal. She had a huge grin on her face. “Well done, Lexa.” Raven said and Lexa sighed. “Good morning to you too, Raven. I’m already late for my photoshoot so I see you late.” 
“I’m wondering what caused you to be late.” Raven said with still the same grin. “Please don’t tease Clarke too much with this.” 
“You know I will.” 
“Yes I do know. By the way I’m sorry about your leg.” Lexa said. “You have nothing to be sorry about. Now go to your photoshoot lady.” Raven said and Lexa walked to the door to open it. She almost bumped into someone, not expecting someone would stand in front of the door. She looked up to see Luna in front of her. Both cousins looked at each other with confused eyes. “Lexa? What are you doing here?” 
“I could ask you the same thing.” Lexa asked and she looked down at Luna’s hand to see she was holding a bouquet of flowers. “I’m here to see how Raven is doing. But what about you? Didn’t you have a photoshoot?” 
“Yes I do have actually. That’s why I’m leaving. I wish we could talk but I can’t, sorry.” Lexa said in a hurry and she quickly hugged Luna before leaving. Luna watched how Lexa left while a lot of questions filled her head. “You can come in.” Raven shouted from the inside and it caught Luna’s attention. “Are those for me?” Raven asked while Luna walked to her. “Yeah.” Luna said distracted, still thinking of Lexa and why she had been here. “What was Lexa doing here?” Luna asked and Raven scoffed. “I’m good. Thanks for asking. How are you, Luna?” Raven answered and instead and Luna chuckled. “I’m good too. Sorry.” Luna said and she handed over the flowers. The sound of a door opening made them both look at it. The moment Raven saw Clarke she started to clap in her hands and to laugh. “Shut up.” Clarke glared at her friend and it made Raven just smile more while Luna looked confused at the two friends. “No Raven! Stop it!” Clarke said but Raven just continued. “I’m so proud of you. I would jump in your arms if this anchor of a leg wouldn’t hold me back.” 
“Proud of what?” Luna asked. “The reason Lexa was here was because she was on night duty.” Raven said with a huge smile and Clarke rolled her eyes for her friend’s word use. Luna looked at Raven with the same confused face, not knowing what she meant. “Clarke had sex with Lexa.” Raven told her more clearly when she saw Luna didn’t understand. “Are you kidding me?!” Clarke said while she hid her face in her hands. “You had sex with my cousin?” Luna asked after she was in shock for some seconds. “Jesus is this an investigation about my sex life or what?” Clarke asked and Raven never stopped smiling. “When did that happen?” Luna asked still in shock at the sudden change of situation between them. “This morning. Caught them myself.” 
“Okay I’m just going to shower and hoping that it cleans my memorie of this.” 
“Yes you could use a shower. You reek like sex.” Raven shouted so Clarke could hear it before she disappeared in the bathroom. “I hate you.” Clarke shouted back. “Love you too.” Raven shouted with a smile while Luna still stood in front of her, progressing the new information. 

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