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Lexa saw Clarke staring at her lips and didn’t know what to do. She could feel the tingling in her stomach everytime Clarke did that but what did it mean? Did she really want to kiss her? But why? Wasn’t she straight? All these questions flew through Lexa’s mind while Clarke didn’t stop looking at her lips. Lexa even thought she saw Clarke moving closer an inch and then backing away again. Lexa finally looked at Clarke’s lips too now and the questions in her head didn’t matter anymore. She leaned in and so did Clarke. The closer she got, how intenser the feelings got and the moment she could feel Clarke’s shaky breath brushing over her lips, they pulled away by the sound of a door swinging open. Clarke fastly brought the glass to her lips to drink of it and hoping whoever came to interrupt them, didn’t realise what they were about to do. Lexa scratched the back of her head while she saw Costia looking from Clarke to Lexa. For a moment she thought Costia realised what was about to happen but apparently not because Costia walked closer to them with a big smile. “There you are!” She said and she kissed Lexa right in front of Clarke’s eyes. Clarke had to look away while she felt a sting in her heart seeing the lips she wanted to kiss so badly getting kissed by someone else. “I was waiting for my drink but you didn’t come so I thought I’d come and look for you. Where is my wine, hun?” Costia asked and Lexa looked at the wineglass in Clarke’s hands. Costia followed her eyes and the wide smile on her face started to narrow. “Let’s get you a new one.” Lexa said and she took Costia’s hand, trying to drag Costia away from Clarke but she pulled her hand out of Lexa’s. “I don’t believe we met.” Costia said and she stuck her hand out to Clarke who shook the hand of the woman. “Not properly at least.” Clarke said with dead voice. “I’m Costia.” 
“I know.” Clarke said and Costia laughed the comment away but all three of them knew Clarke didn’t mean it as joke. “Aren’t you going to get me a drink?” Costia asked Lexa who didn’t want to leave these two alone. She stood there, glued to the floor and Costia looked at her with raised eyebrow. “Yeah okay.” Lexa said and she left almost running out of the door so she wouldn’t be too long gone. The moment Lexa left, Costia turned to Clarke again who awkwardly drank of her glass of wine. “Girlfriends right?” Costia asked like she expected confirmation of Clarke to know what it’s like. Clarke shrugged because she didn’t know what it was like of course. “Oh you don’t know?” Costia asked surprised. “No. I’ve never dated a girl.” Clarke confessed and she felt uncomfortable talking about this with Costia because she didn’t like this girl at all. This was their first conversation but Clarke had the feeling she knew her for much longer and not in a positive way. “Wow that surprises me looking at how you’re hitting on my girlfriend.” Costia said and Clarke choked on her wine. “I’m sorry what?” Clarke asked and Costia chuckled. “Oh Clarke I’m not blind. I can see the way you look at her.” 
“Lexa and I are just friends.” 
“Are you going to keep that act going on until I actually catch you two kissing? I almost did earlier, didn’t I?” Costia asked and Clarke looked away while she clenched her jaw. She didn’t know what to tell her. “What do you want from me, Costia?” Clarke asked. “It’s simple Clarke. I want Lexa so back off.” 
“You know what I don’t get? How you went from wanting her to not wanting her to wanting her again. How long are you going to keep this on? Is it a game for you?” 
“It’s not a game to me. Not at all. I made a mistake by letting her go and I made it right.” Costia said and Clarke scoffed. “Made it right? How? By buying her a necklace she already got another time? You know what happened to the first one? We threw it in the ocean.” Clarke said with much confidence. “I know of that but still I’m the one who she kisses. Not you.” Costia said and she started to walk to the door again. “I’m serious Clarke. Stay away.” Costia said before she opened the door and went back to the party, probably searching for Lexa. That’s when Clarke realised she had to go away. There was a chance Lexa would come back to this roof and what was she going to tell then? She wasn’t sure she could pretend everything was fine and nothing special had been said. Clarke took her stuff and walked out too. 

“It’s strange we didn’t see Clarke then anymore

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“It’s strange we didn’t see Clarke then anymore.” Lexa said when they got home from the party and laid her purse on the couch. Costia didn’t answer and laid her own stuff away too. “Are you sure nothing happened?” Lexa asked again and Costia sighed. “No! Nothing happened. Why do you care so much anyways?!” Costia asked angry and Lexa was shocked by it. “Because Clarke is my friend. She disappears from a party and doesn’t answer on my texts where she is.” Lexa said and she checked her phone again. Her face lit up when she did receive a text from her. “Nevermind. She answered. She felt tired and went home.” Lexa said and Costia didn’t say anything for some seconds. “I don’t want you to see her anymore, Lexa.” Costia said softly and it made Lexa look up from her phone. “What?” Lexa asked, laughing because she couldn’t believe what she heard. “What’s so funny, Lexa?” Costia asked and Lexa could see she was serious. “What you’re asking is ridiculous. Why even?” Lexa asked and she started to raise her voice. “I can see the way she looks at you, Lexa. You say she’s straight but she isn’t when I see her look at you.” 
“You’re asking me to let the girl go who was there for me when you broke me into pieces. I was a mess because of you and she was the one who picked me up.” Lexa said, ignoring the part about Clarke’s sexuality because she wasn’t sure of that either. “So I just need to watch how my girlfriend gets kissed by her straight friend?” Costia asked and Lexa looked at her with a questionable gaze. “She tried to kiss you. If I was one second later I would have seen how her lips were on yours. She was about to kiss you, I can’t trust her.” Costia said and Lexa was quiet.. “You’re wrong you know?”  Lexa said after some seconds. “She wasn’t about to kiss me. We were about to kiss each other.” Lexa said while she looked at Costia without any regret. She saw how the girl’s mouth fell open. “What did you expect Costia? That everything would be the same after you left? I didn’t need a break to realise I love you. That was you. You just pretend like you can come back into my life without any change. You can’t control my life or the people I see either.” Lexa said and Costia was speechless. “I’ll go sleep at Luna’s house tonight. We both need some air.” Lexa said and she took her stuff and left again. 

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