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“What did you think of Clarke earlier?” Raven asked to Luna and Luna shrugged before answering. “I don’t know Clarke that well to know if she is lying or not.” 
“But it did cross your mind right?” 
“The things you said made sense so it’s possible yes. Why don’t you just text Abby to see if it’s true?” Luna said and Raven’s eyes lit up. “Genius!” Raven said and she stumbled to her the table where her phone laid. “That’s not the first time I hear that.” Luna said with a chuckle and Raven smiled too. Raven was typing the message when the doorbell rang. “I’ll open the door.” Luna said when she saw Raven was about to. Luna walked to the door and opened it. The moment she unlocked it, the door was pushed open and Luna had no other choice but step aside before she saw who it was. Because if she saw it before, she would’ve never let him in. She never met him in real life but did enough research after Raven had told her about him. So it wasn’t hard to recognize the man that did all of this to Raven. “Murphy?! How dare u?!” Raven spitted it out like it was venom. “Raven you need to listen to me.” Murphy said out of breath. “Get out.” Raven said with shaky voice and Luna’s heart broke to see the always strong Raven like this. “Please Raven you need to listen to this.” Murphy begged. “Get out!” Raven said louder now Luna could see she was on the edge of crying. Murphy still didn’t move and Raven set one step further but her leg didn’t work with her so she was about to fall but Murphy catched her before her body hit the ground. Raven immediately hitted Murphy everywhere she could so he wouldn’t hold her anymore. “Let go of me!” She shouted and Luna came in between the two, pushing Murphy away and holding Raven. Raven was crying and couldn’t get any air because her breathing was way too fast. “Shh Raven, I need you to breath.” Luna said but Raven kept on shouting. “I hate you!” Over and over again until she didn’t have the energy for it anymore. “Listen to my voice Raven.” Luna whispered while she held her close to her body and it seemed to help because Raven started to calm down. Luna breathed deep in and out together with Raven and soon she was fine again. Raven didn’t know what was going on. She felt so much anger and pain but it looked like Luna was able to take a part of that away from her. 

(Video on instagram Modernau_the100)

 “I think it’s better if you leave.” Luna said as polite as possible to Murphy, hoping that in that way he would listen to her but he didn’t. “Costia has Clarke.” He said so they would finally listen to him. Both women stared at him with open mouth and widened eyes. “What?” Raven asked with brittle voice. “Clarke. She was at my house earlier. She wanted to know what really happened. When she was about to leave, Costia appeared. She pointed a gun at me and held a knife against Clarke’s throat before drugging her. She dragged her in a van and drove away.” Murphy explained and Raven’s whole body started to shake when she realised Costia had Clarke. No one could say something. They were all frozen and just when Luna thought about Lexa and how she would react on this, she walked inside. She hadn’t closed the door after Murphy walked in so Lexa could just walk in. She looked confused at everyone. Seeing Murphy in the house while Luna was holding Raven on the ground. “What’s going on in here?” Lexa asked confused and no one could reply immediately. Lexa saw how her cousin avoided her eyes and looked at the ground instead. “Lexa…” Raven started but she couldn’t finish. She couldn’t get it over her lips. It made it too real if she said it out loud. “Your ex has Clarke.” Murphy said when he realised Raven couldn’t say it and he didn’t want to let the brunette wait more. “What?” Lexa’s voice was quiet. Murphy barely even heard she asked him. Murphy explained the whole thing to Lexa and Lexa just stared in front of her. She couldn’t do or say anything. Her mind was just blank except for one thing. Clarke. She felt so numb and like she already lost a fight. “We need to call the police.” Raven said and Lexa shook her head. “Costia is the police. Her dad is the inspector. Why do you think he’s free?” Lexa asked while she nodded her head to Murphy. “So you hit me with the car commissioned by Costia?” Raven asked and Murphy nodded. “What did she threaten you with?”
“Emori’s life.” He said and Raven had to look away. She was scared that if she looked in his eyes at that moment, she would show him the pain he had caused. “So what do we do now? We can’t call the police so what can we do?” Raven asked and Lexa shot up. She walked to the kitchen and pulled the drawer of the knifes. She took the biggest knife Clarke had and Luna took her hand. “Lexa what are you going to do?” She asked with stern look. “I’m going to get Clarke.” 
“Haven’t you heard what he said? Costia is armed. It’s not safe.” 
“Now I’m armed too. Clarke isn’t safe either. What do you expect from me? That I go sit back and relax? On what should I wait Luna?! We can’t wait for the cops. I need to do this on my own and you have to let me because there is no way in hell I’m going to leave it like this and do nothing. I can’t lose her.I just… can’t.” Lexa said and Luna nodded. She pulled Lexa in a tight hug. “Just be careful please. And how will you find her?” 
“It’s me she wants. Costia doesn’t want Clarke. She wants me. She wants me to find her.” Lexa said and she went in full concentrated modus. “Murphy, you saw the van. What did it look like? License plate? What way did she go?” Lexa asked and before Murphy could answer she shoved him a paper and a pen. “I’m coming with you.” Raven said and she got up from the chair. “No way.”  Luna said and she pushed Raven back on the chair. “I need to do this on my own, Raven. I can’t risk that you get hurt again or that she will use you to hurt Clarke again.” Lexa said and Raven nodded after some time. Meanwhile Murphy had written all the information he knew down on the paper and handed it over to Lexa. Lexa read it but couldn’t think of anything where she would be now. “Licence plate you said? Give me that.” Raven said and Lexa gave the paper. Raven sat behind her laptop and Lexa had never seen someone type that fast as Raven. 

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