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Clarke opened her eyes when she woke up. For a moment she was disoriented but then she remembered last night. She looked at the other side of the bed but Lexa wasn't there anymore. Clarke got out of bed and opened the door. "Lexa?" Clarke called her name and then she heard noise from downstairs. "I'm in the kitchen, Clarke." She heard Lexa say and Clarke walked downstairs. The scent of pancakes hit her nostrils and Clarke noticed she was hungry. Lexa was making breakfast in the kitchen. "What's this?" Clarke asked while she motioned to all the food that was standing on the table. "This is a thank you. Thanks for being here for me. I woke up early and I couldn't sleep so I better do something useful then." Lexa said while she cut a piece of a pancake and brought it to Clarke's mouth. Clarke opened her mouth and let her get feeded by Lexa. There was a sort of excitement to see in Lexa's eyes while she tried to read Clarke's expression. Clarke's eyes widened when she tasted the pancakes and she couldn't help but moan when different aroma's hitted her tongue. Lexa was amused by Clarke's reaction. "What is that?" Clarke asked and she couldn't wait to taste more. "Vegan banana oat pancakes with blueberries." Lexa said while feeded Clarke with another piece. "Wait are you vegan?" Clarke asked out of curiosity. "No, I'm not but I try to eat more vegan sometimes. I think it's healthier and maybe better for the world." Lexa said while she prepared Clarke a plate of her own. "Well I bet you could convince a lot of people to become vegan if you let them taste those pancakes." Clarke said and Lexa chuckled. Neither of them had noticed Luna walking in the kitchen. "Well good morning to you two." Luna said while she looked at the shirt Clarke was wearing. Luna looked over at Lexa then with a grin and Lexa knew what her cousin was thinking. Lexa rolled with her eyes while she pointed at the table so they would sit down. "I knew I smelt something good when I woke up." Luna said while Lexa gave her a plate with pancakes too. "I love your banana oat pancakes." Luna said while she started to eat and Clarke couldn't wait anymore either. 


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After they ate, Clarke helped Lexa cleaning up. "Thanks for last night again, Clarke. I really needed that." 
"No problem. How are you feeling today?" 
"Those couple couple of hours sleep did help me more than I thought they would. It's not like I'm feeling happy but it's better than before." Lexa said and Clarke was about to say something but her phone interrupted her. At first Clarke was going to ignore it but when she heard it was more than one incoming message, she took her phone. "I'm sorry. I need to answer for a minute." 
"Yeah no problem." Lexa said while she kept on cleaning and Clarke looked at her messages. 


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"I'm so sorry Lexa but I need to go. I had to be at the studio half an hour ago and the rest is waiting on me." Clarke said in a hurry and she ran to the door after she grabbed her coat and car keys. "Clarke wait!" Lexa said while she ran after the blonde and Clarke did as she had been told. "You're not wearing any clothes." Lexa said while she pointed at Clarke's bare legs and her shirt. Clarke sweared while she ran upstair to put her clothes on quickly and left to the studio then. "What was that?" Luna asked because she heard all the running and swearing. "Clarke had to be in the studio half an hour ago." Lexa explained and she couldn't help the guilt creeping up on her. She had the feeling it was her fault because she had asked Clarke to stay last night and of course she wouldn't say no to someone who was on the brink of crying. "I guess you were too much on her mind that she didn't think of anything else." Luna said and Lexa didn't understand what she meant with that. "What?" 
"Oh please don't even try to convince me there is nothing going on between you two." Luna scoffed and Lexa's eyes widened. "Of course there is nothing going on between us! I just got out of a relationship and Clarke isn't even attracted to girls." 
"She isn't?" Luna asked surprised. "Well I mean I don't think she is. She never said anything about it and at first she assumed I was straight and when I told her that I was gay she didn't say anything about herself." 
"Wow I'm impressed." Luna said and Lexa looked confused at her cousin. "Lexa Woods making all the straight girls gay." Luna said and she started to laugh. Lexa glared at her cousin. "Come on Lexa. What would you think if a girl walked out of my room wearing only my shirt, knowing she stayed the night and slept in the same bed as me while there are other beds available too? Plus, don't think I didn't see how you feeded her." Luna said and Lexa shook her head. "You're crazy." 
"And you're blind, hun."

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