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Clarke nervously stood by the door Octavia had given the address of. After taking a deep breath she rang the bell and not much later the door opened and Lexa stood in front of her with a surprised look on her face. “Clarke? What are you doing here?” Lexa asked while she looked around her to look if Octavia had come with her too. “While we were cleaning up we found this in the grass and Octavia said it was yours.” Clarke said and she showed the necklace. Lexa looked at it but didn’t take it out of Clarke her hands. “I don’t want it.” She said and Clarke looked confused at her. “Isn’t it yours?” She asked and Lexa forced a smile. “It is but Costia gave it to me when we were together and I don’t want it anymore.”
“Are you sure? It’s a beautiful necklace and her name doesn’t stand on it.” 
“It doesn’t need to stand on it for me to get reminded of her all the time. Even without it I think of her but I just can’t see it anymore. So if you want it, you can keep it.” Lexa suggested and Clarke’s eyes widened. “Oh no. No thanks. It would feel too weird for me to wear a necklace that meant that much to you. And if we would meet again and I would be wearing it you would get reminded of it and I don’t want that.” Clarke said and she realised she just had assumed they would meet again. “I- I mean if we ever meet again, at least. I don’t know what you want…” Clarke stuttered and scratched the back of her head. Lexa smiled at Clarke’s awkwardness. “Of course we will meet again. I would really like to hear you sing again and I had fun yesterday on the roof.” Lexa said and Clarke felt relieved. “Yeah me too.” Clarke breathed out and she didn’t know why she was so nervous about this but after Lexa agreed with her, it was fine again. “I actually have an idea about the necklace.” Clarke said with an exciting smile and Lexa narrowed her eyes at her. “What kind of idea?” 
“Do you trust me?”
“I don’t know. I know you less than 24 hours and you apparently know where I live all of the sudden.” Lexa point out and Clarke didn’t know what to say. “Fair point yeah. But I promise you that it will be worth it.” Clarke said and Lexa looked her right in the eyes for some seconds. Lexa didn’t know why but something in her told her she could trust this girl. “Okay. Let me lock my house and surprise me with your idea.” Lexa said and Clarke smiled. “Fantastic.” 


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“Why did you take me here?” Lexa asked while she looked at the waves crashing in

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“Why did you take me here?” Lexa asked while she looked at the waves crashing in. “A few years ago I had a best friend named Wells. The night we had went to a party I was supposed to drive him back but the next day I had a concert and I had to leave earlier. When I asked him if he would come with me, he said he was going to stay for a bit longer. He said he would find someone to drive with and I left. A few hours later I got a call of his parents that he died in a car accident. He had found a ride home with someone who was drunk. I never forgave myself for it. He would be alive if I forced him to come with me. His ashes are spread here in this sea. It may sound crazy but I could find some comfort in letting him go and let the waves take him away. He’s always going to be in my heart and I won’t ever forget him. But sometimes we need to let go. Because holding on to something that isn’t there anymore will suffocate you.” Clarke said while she stared at the water in front of her. Lexa was speechless at what Clarke had told her just. She wanted to say something. She wanted to tell her that she knew how it felt like and that she was sorry but she couldn't. The lump in her throat didn’t allow her to. Clarke faced her now. “So that’s why I took you here. Throwing it in the water might help you in some way. It’s your decision but if you really don’t want it anymore, you can just throw it away.” Clarke said and she handed the necklace to Lexa. Lexa looked at the little lock that was shaped in a heart. She remembered the moment where Costia had given it to her like it was yesterday. ‘You’re the key to my heart.’ she had said and Lexa scoffed when she thought back of it. Clarke took some steps back to give her some space and Lexa looked at the water. Without thinking of it too much she threw the necklace in the water and it was gone. She took a deep breath while realising what she had done and it gave her a feeling of freedom. “How are you feeling?” Clarke asked and Lexa smiled at her. “I didn’t know I needed that.” she said and Clarke smiled back. 

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