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Clarke was surprised to see Luna’s name on there and she had many questions. So as soon as Raven returned, Clarke started to ask. “How did you get Luna her number?” Clarke asked and Raven settled down next to her again while she took her phone out of Clarke’s hands. “Wow you’re nosy.” Raven said and Clarke quirked an eyebrow because she still hadn’t got an answer. “At the party, when you and Lexa were outside, Luna and I met on the dancefloor. We exchanged numbers and we’re still talking. You’re not the only one who can make new friends, Griffin.” Raven said while she looked at what Luna had texted her and replied to her. Clarke couldn’t miss the smile that formed on her friend’s face while typing. “So you guys get along well?” Clarke asked and Raven turned to Clarke again. “Yeah. Luna is a cool I guess.” 
“Cool?” Clarke asked while she quirked an eyebrow. “Yeah, cool. I don’t know but I like her energy.” 
“Her energy?” Clarke asked again the same as she did before and Raven hitted her arm. “Yes her energy! Are you going to repeat everything I say?” Raven asked with a laugh and Clarke rubbed her arm on the spot where Raven had hit her. “Auch.” She said while she pouted and Raven kissed it. “Better?”  Raven asked with a smile and Clarke nodded as a little child. “But seriously. You’re talking about her like she is your spiritual coach.” 
“My what?!” Raven asked while she had to laugh again. “Your spiritual coach. You know like someone with the incense sticks and meditates with you to rest your spirit.” 
“You are truly one of the weirdest persons I know, Clarke Griffin.” 
“And I’m glad with that title.” Clarke said and Raven pulled her into a hug. “I love you so much, Griffin. You know that right?” 
“I love you too.” Clarke said and they pulled away again. “Have you heard something of Murphy again?” Clarke asked and Raven’s mood went down immediately at hearing his name. Raven looked down and didn’t answer immediately. I was about to text him I missed him but Luna held me back.” Raven said and Clarke was surprised to hear that. She didn’t know that Luna even knew of Murphy. She probably didn’t what meant that Raven told her all of that. “Luna?” Clarke asked and Raven nodded. “We were texting at that time and I don’t know I was feeling really low because of it. And I had told Luna about it because it felt right to do. And when I told her I was going to text him to tell him I miss him, she talked me out of it. And I’m so glad she did because looking at it now, it would have been bad. For God’s sake, he has a girlfriend now.” Raven said while she held her head with her hands. “Your situation reminds me of Lexa’s. You two have more in commen than you think. I mean Murphy cheated on you and Costia didn’t cheat on Lexa but Costia does have a boyfriend now too and so does Murphy. Maybe you should share your thoughts with each other.” Clarke suggested while she sipped of her drink. “Lexa and I barely know each other. We only talked on the party at Octavia’s and then at the other party you kinda claimed her.” 
“I did not!” Clarke shot back and Raven quirked an eyebrow. “Girl, I danced with you the whole time until Lexa and I went outside.” 
“Anyways, it’s not about that. All I’m saying is that Lexa and I don’t know each other well enough to share those feeling with each other.” 
“Then let’s get to know her better.” Clarke said and Raven gave her a questionable look. “Lexa and I, Luna and you. We meet up to eat somewhere or do something. I mean it must be fun right?” Clarke suggested. 
“Like a double date?” Raven asked and Clarke got scared by hearing the word. “I wouldn’t really call it a date since we are all girls but sure. Something like that.” Clarke said and Raven thought about it. “Sure why not. I’d like to see Luna in person again, so why not with you two with it.” 
“Great! I’ll text Lexa about it.”  


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