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When they pulled away, they saw how Anya got handcuffed again and getting guided by a policeman outside. The inmate gave Clarke a small smile and raised her hand to say bye. Clarke did it back and watched how Anya got dragged away. “She doesn’t get a release?” Clarke asked to Kane who walked towards them. The man shrugged. “There is no proof that she is telling the truth.” He said and Clarke’s heart fell in her chest. She wanted to help the person who had helped her. “Would it help if I withdrew my indictment?” Lexa asked from behind Clarke and it warmed Clarke’s heart that Lexa believed her. “I’m not sure but it might.” Kane said and Lexa nodded. “Then I will do that.” Lexa said and she looked at Clarke while laying her arm over the blonde’s shoulder, pulling her closer to her body. Clarke’s arm went naturally around Lexa’s waist and she kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you.” She whispered and Lexa quickly pecked the blonde’s lips. “You were right, Clarke. Now that I’ve seen her and I have seen what Costia has done, I think she’s innocent too.” 
“She is.” Clarke said convinced. “Alright.” Raven said while rubbing her hands together. “Am I the only one who’s hungry?” She asked and the rest chuckled. “Let’s go eat something.” Lexa said and she started to walk to the exit while dragging Clarke with  her, half leaning on her so she didn’t need to move her leg too much that caused her wound to hurt. “Wait.” Clarke said and she stopped walking what caused Lexa to stop too. “Shouldn’t you be at the hospital?” Clarke asked and Lexa scratched the back of her head. “No it’s fine. I’m fine.” Lexa said and Clarke narrowed her eyes at the brunette. “How did you even get here? Lincoln would never allow this.” Clarke said and she looked at the rest to see their reactions but all of them looked at the ground so Clarke turned to Lexa again. “Well… I didn’t get his permission exactly. And I don’t need it either because I’m a grown up woman.” Lexa said and Clarke looked at her with disbelief. “You’re a woman that got shot at and had two surgeries because of that. Lincoln is your doctor. Of course you need his permission!” 
“It’s fine! I’m fine as you can see. I’m even better now I saw you and I touched you. In the hospital, all I would do is get anxious for your trial. That wouldn’t be healthy for me.” 
“Okay but now you can see I’m free. The trial is over so you can go back to the hospital again.” Clarke said and she tried to guide Lexa to the car but the brunette didn’t let her. “No way. This night I’m going to hold my girlfriend. That’s what’s going to happen.” Lexa said determined and Clarke found it hard to resist because that’s what she wanted to. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Clarke said and Lexa laid her hands on Clarke’s shoulders. “And nothing will happen. Clarke, you saved me. I got shot and you got yourself free and dragged me into a car by yourself. You drove me to the hospital. Without you I would be dead. I think I’m the safest around you and if anything would happen, you can save me again.” Lexa said with a grin. “You better don’t scare me like that again. I thought I had lost you.” Clarke said and her heart felt heavy while thinking back of that moment, all the blood. Lexa could see it in Clarke’s eyes that she was thinking back of it and she pulled Clarke in for a kiss by her neck to stop the thoughts. It helped because Clarke got distracted of it. “You didn’t lose me. I’m here because of you. Feel.” Lexa said and she laid Clarke’s hand on her heart so Clarke could feel her heart beating. “It’s beating for you.” Lexa said and Clarke nodded to show her she understood. “If you really want the assurance, I can ask if Lincoln joins us.” Lexa said and Clarke nodded. “I’ll text him.” Octavia said and she took her phone while they started to walk to the cars again. “I love you.” Clarke said and Lexa gave a kiss on top of her head. “I love you more.” 
“Not possible.” 
“Hun, I catched a bullet for you.” Lexa said with a smug face and Clarke looked at her shook. “Wow you can’t beat that, Griff.” Raven said and she gave Lexa a shoulder pat. Lexa just shrugged at Clarke. “I will forever hear this, won’t I?” Clarke said and Lexa nodded while laughing. “Well next time I’ll just let you bleed to death.” Clarke said with a sassy tone and everyone pretended to be shook by her reaction, including Lexa. “Look at that. Only been in jail  for a couple of days and she already has a rude mouth.” Lexa teased. “I got released for what? 10 minutes and everyone is already bullying me.” Clarke said while she pouted. “Of course. We weren’t able to do this for days.” Bellamy said and Clarke pointed her middle finger at him what made him laugh harder. 


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