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After everyone ate pizza together and got to know Lexa more they all went to a club together. Lexa had offered to drive since she doesn’t drink alcohol and Monty agreed on being sober too since the group was too big for only one car. Everyone except Lexa and Monty were tipsy already when they entered the club. Octavia, Raven and Clarke were dancing on the dancefloor while the rest was talking around the bar. Lexa and Clarke smiled at each other every time their eyes crossed. Lexa was so fixed on Clarke, she was stunned when she saw Lincoln and Luna in front of her suddenly. “Wow you were zoned out for a moment.” Lincoln noticed and he hugged his sister to say hi and Luna was next. “Long time no see, lil cousin.” Luna said with a grin. “What are you guys doing here?” Lexa asked confused. “Octavia texted me you guys were here and asked me if I would come. I was just hanging out with Luna so we came together.” Lincoln explained. Suddenly they heard Lincoln’s name getting shouted over the music and not much later Octavia jumped in his arms. Lincoln had to hold her so she didn’t fall. It didn’t take long for Lexa and Luna to stand there alone because Octavia dragged Lincoln on the dancefloor. “I see you got your eyes on someone else.” Luna said while she sipped of her drink she had just ordered. Lexa looked confused up to her cousin. Luna didn’t say anything but just pointed at the dancefloor. “So tell me which one of the two is it. It’s not that Octavia girl so there are only two more left.” 
“Don’t act stupid, Luna. I don’t have eyes on anyone. I just got out of a 4 year long relationship. I didn’t even want that to end. You know I still love Costia.” 
“So it’s blondie.” Luna said, totally ignoring what Lexa just had said. Lexa clenched her jaw. Luna turned to Lexa now. “You can tell me whatever you want but I know when you are interested in someone. I’m not saying it’s serious but all I’m saying is that you like blondie over there, Costia on your mind or not. I’ve seen the way you looked at her. You were zoned out because you were too busy with watching her swinging her hips.” 
“I was not!” Lexa protested but Luna cut her off with a quirk of her eyebrows. “Instead of wasting your time with going in denial, go spend some time with blondie.” Luna said while pointing at Clarke and Lexa pushed the finger away, hoping Clarke didn’t notice it. “Blondie got a name, you know? Her name is Clarke.” Lexa said annoyed with her cousin. “Wow calling each other by the name already?! You move fast for someone who’s only standing by the bar.” 
“Clarke and I are friends. We met on Octavia her party and we get along very well.” 
“Wow it’s more serious than I thought. Do you guys hear of each other daily?” Luna asked and Lexa clenched her jaw again, not answering because she knew that her answer would gain a reaction out of Luna that she did not like. But even not answering gave a reaction because Luna was laughing in surprise. “Wow. Wow. I’m speechless.” Luna said and at that moment Clarke walked over to them. Lexa could facepalm herself now because of the timing but she didn’t. “Why are you sitting by the bar while you could dance with me instead?” Clarke asked and Lexa wanted to hit Luna when she saw her wide smile in the corner of her eye. “Yeah why don’t you, Lexa.” Luna said and Clarke looked at Luna now. “I’m sorry. We haven’t met yet. I’m Luna. Lexa her favourite cousin.” Luna said and Lexa scoffed at the last sentence while Clarke looked surprised at the two. “What a pleasure to meet you. My name is Clarke.” Clarke said enthusiastic while shaking Luna her hand and Lexa couldn’t handle it anymore. She took Clarke’s hand and walked over to the dancefloor. Lexa started to dance and Clarke immediately danced with the rhythm of the music. Lexa saw Clarke was saying something to her but because of the music, Lexa couldn’t understand. “What?” She had asked and Clarke laid her hand on her shoulder to pull her a bit close so she could talk close to her ear.  “Took you long enough to dance.” Clarke said and Lexa got goosebumps when she felt Clarke’s hot breathe against her skin. Lexa didn’t know what to say so she just smiled and nodded. “You look really nice by the way.” Clarke said while coming closer again and Lexa blushed. 


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They danced for a long time until Clarke wanted to get some fresh air outside because it was getting too hot inside. They leaned against the wall of the building while catching their breathes. “It’s at these moments I’m missing my cigarettes.” Clarke said and Lexa had to laugh. “Are you still going strong?” 
“Barely.” Clarke admitted. “When I’m busy it’s alright and talking to you helps me getting distracted but right now… It’s like my routine has changed. I had so many moments where I smoked. Like now, going outside for a while to smoke but now it’s just waiting until I cooled off a bit.” 
“Why did you even start with it? I don’t have that problem.” 
“When my dad passed away, I got too much reminded of him at home so I mostly hung out on the streets. I met new people there and most of them smoked so I guess I rolled into it.” 
“But now you met me and now you’re going to stop.” Lexa said and Clarke smiled. “It’s a beautiful night.” Clarke said while she looked at the stars above her and Lexa did too. “It’s crazy how beautiful the world can be.” Clarke said and Lexa hummed in agreement. They stargazed in silence and  it wasn’t until they heard the door of the club opening again, they looked down. Giggles caught Lexa’s attention and her heart dropped in her chest when she saw who the giggles came from. She saw Costia walking toward a taxi with a man and by the way they were holding each other, Lexa knew what was going on. She pushed herself of the wall and walked towards them while tears had filled her eyes already. “Costia?” Lexa asked and her voice cracked. The girl slowly turned around, recognizing the voice of her old lover. “Lexa.” She said and her smile of earlier disappeared. Lexa looked at the man with disgust while he waited for Costia to walk to the taxi too. “How long are we broken up?” Lexa asked while she turned to Costia again. “Does it matter?” 
“It’s not even been a week and you’re already going home with someone else. After a relationship of 4 years. I see you have no problem with us breaking up.” 
“I broke up with you for a reason, Lexa. I don’t feel it anymore.” 
“But you do feel it with a guy who you know for how long? A week?” Lexa asked and she raised her voice of anger and Costia looked away. “Just go.” Lexa said and Costia wanted to say something again but Lexa repeated her words. And with that Costia stepped in the car with the guy and Lexa watched them drive away. 

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