[2] Dementors are demented

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Harry started to explain how he had accidentally blown up his aunt and sent her off into the sky

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Harry started to explain how he had accidentally blown up his aunt and sent her off into the sky. He shrugged "I didn't mean to blow her up. I just..." He trails off and I notice his eyes falling to the ground as he drifted off to the memory "I lost control." Ron grinned widely "Brilliant." He praised which caused both Hermione and I to give him a pointed look.

"Hermione hit him for me please" She smiled at my request "Gladly" She hit Ron on the arm harshly and he jumped back "Ow!" Hermione rolled her eyes "Honestly, Ronald, it's not funny. Harry was lucky not to be expelled."

"I was lucky not to be arrested." Harry mumbled from beside me and I tilted my head looking at him sadly "You couldn't help it Harry...they shouldn't be able to fault you for that" I hadn't noticed that moments had gone by and the two of us had been looking at each other intently at least not until Ron-being completely oblivious-broke the moment.

"I still think it was brilliant" He exclaimed with a shrug earning another pointed glare from both Hermione and I. Harry glanced nervously over at my father "Do you think he's really asleep?" I leaned forward and looked over and nodded "He's out. Why?" I leaned back against the cushions and pulled my legs up onto the seat crossing them.

"I gotta tell you something." Harry stated and then continued to explain to us what Mr. Weasley had told him before they left, Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban and was coming after Harry. Ron sat forward "Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban... to come after you?"

"Yes." Harry answered shortly "But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him." Hermione assured but you could hear the underlying nervousness in her voice.

"Sure--Of course, except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before... and he's a murderous, raving lunatic..." Ron trailed off with a quiet squeak of fear, Harry gave him a dirty look "Thanks, Ron." He said sarcastically, I focused on the outside and noticed that the train had stopped. "Guys...were slowing down"

The train lurched and sent Hermione bumping into Ron "Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet." She questioned, I climbed to my feet and inched towards the compartment door sliding it open enough to look out into the hallway and find multiple others doing the same.

The train jerked once more only this time with a stronger force that sent me into Harry, he quickly grabbed onto my waist steadying me. "Thanks, Harry" I whispered out as we both looked at each other for a second before I scrambled up and to my own spot hiding my bright red cheeks. "What's going on?"

Ron asked but I shook my head and rubbed the sides of my jumper it seemed like it became colder out of nowhere. "Don't know" Harry furrowed his brows and looked back at Ron who had breathed out and we all watched as the air turned white proving my theory that the temperature dropped. "Maybe we've broken down."

The compartment became even darker confusing us further "Ouch, Ron. That was my foot." Hermione exclaimed making Ron back up more muttering a soft 'Sorry'. Ron leans forward against the window and holds onto the metal bottom "There's something moving out there. I think someone's coming aboard."

The window seems to frost over making Ron pulls his hand back. "Bloody hell! What's happening?" A bony hand smacked against our window causing us all to jump in fright until we heard the squeaking of our compartment door being opened.

The four of us slowly turned seeing a dark grey and black boned hand sliding it open "Don't. Move" I heard the tired voice of my father instruct us all as he slowly stood up from behind Harry and I.

The door was now fully opened and there was a towering black hooded figure that lunged at both Harry and I. Harry fell to the ground beside me in a seizure like state while I screamed when it grabbed me, my scream sent a powerful surge of energy from my body towards the figure sending it backwards.

As the figure came back but was cut off by my fathers protective stance in front of all of us, I dropped to my knees as it felt like, the life had been sucked out of me. I grabbed my throat gasping for air and attempting to block out the voices that plagued my mind. "Relax Phelia...breathe. Take a deep breath for me"

My body started to slow its shaking at the sound of my fathers soothing voice. "That's it" He praised calmly when my breathing became regular again and I attempted to sit up but not without his help. "You're alright darling, you're alright"

He repeated as he pulled my small body into his arms holding onto me tightly, he pulled away for a moment to crouch down and look me over once more. He grabbed the chocolate from his bag and broke a piece off and handing it to me, he always said chocolate would help.

I looked to my right and saw Harry sitting down on the seat looking completely disheveled, I turned back to my father worriedly. "Dad what happened?" Before he got the chance to answer Hermione grabbed me hugging me tightly. "You and Harry both collapsed"

She pulled away and Ron looked me up and down squeezing my hand "You alright?" I nodded and looked back at Harry who had taken a piece of chocolate. "What was that thing that came?" He asked as I sat next to him and we both leaned into each other's side.

"It was a dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now." The two of us frowned at my dad's explanation which lead to Hermione explaining further. "It was searching the train, Harry. For Sirius Black." My eyes widened in shock why would they think Sirius Black would be on the train to Hogwarts. "If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver."

Dad paused to kiss my head softly "I'll be right back" I nodded and watched as he exited the compartment glancing back at Harry and I. "Eat. You'll feel better." Once he was gone I turned towards Hermione who now held onto her cat Crookshanks for comfort and Ron who held onto his rat Scabbers. "What exactly happened to us?"

Hermione grimmaced "Well, you sort of went rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something." She said as she looked at Harry "But you..Ophelia you screamed and it-it almost made it go away...then you collapsed and couldn't breathe" I grabbed onto Harry's arm fearfully

"And did either of you two... you know... pass out?" Harry asked hesitantly, unsure if he wanted to know the actual answer. Ron shook his head "No...I felt weird...like I'd never be cheerful again. But...no" I looked at hermione but she shook her head as well, Harry leaned forward distraught. "But someone was screaming. A woman."

Hermione and Ron shared nervous glances and she looked back at Harry "No one was screaming, Harry." I shook my head sitting up straighter "But..I-I heard it to..that and different voices"

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