[26] Admirers

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Wednesday, the day before the official choosing tomorrow and after dinner, the great hall changed to be surrounded by students on bleachers watching as others put their names in the goblet

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Wednesday, the day before the official choosing tomorrow and after dinner, the great hall changed to be surrounded by students on bleachers watching as others put their names in the goblet. I snicker quietly as Ron held up a hand either trying to wave or high five Cedric but when he realized Cedic didn't see him he slowly lowered his hand. Cedric stopped by Hermione and I as I slowly stopped clapping. Cedric gave a lopsided grin. "Well?" I smiled back at him. "Well..good luck. I hope you get it Ced." Cedric smiled happily before parting off with his friends. "Does that mean you're not routing for us Little Lupin?" I turned round and closed my charms book. "I'm not going to rout for you because neither of you will get in." I told the twins who scoffed playfully and put hands on their hearts.

"Oh, how you wound us Ophelia." George teased. "How little faith you have in us." Fred added before he then held up a vial. "Cooked it up just this morning." Hermione and I both shook our heads with small grins. "It's not going to work." The two of us sing-songed. The twins climbed up onto the bleachers behind us both wrapping an arm over our shoulders. "Oh yeah? And why's that Granger. Lupin." Hermione closed her book and gestured to the glowing line around the goblet. "You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

Fred made a face and knitted his brows. "So?" I playfully scoffed and nudged him and George knocking their arms off of my shoulders. "So someone like Dumbledore couldn't be fooled by something as dimwitted such as an aging potion." George ruffled my hair. "That's why it's so brilliant." He jumped down from the bleachers and Fred followed suit. "Ready Fred?"

"Ready George?" The two of them linked arms and poured the potion into the others mouth. "Bottoms up!" They both cheered before taking the potions and then jumping over the line, happily they both high five each other and put their names into the blue flame. The flame suddenly flared up and sent them backwards across the room. The two climbed up and everyone watched as white beards and grey hair grew all over their faces. "You said.." George started as he looked at his twin with wide eyes. "You said.." Fred returned angrily, the two began to roll around on the floor and many of the students started to cheer and laugh.

Hermione and I shared knowing grins and sneakily high-fived each other. The room suddenly becomes silent as Viktor Krum walks in and puts his name into the flame. As he exited the room he looked over at Hermione and I and smiled at the thick haired girl beside me. I nudged her with a teasing grin. "OoOo someone has a admirer." Hermione flushed but her lips quickly split into a smirk as she nudged me back. "It seems you have one too." Hermione gestures behind me, I furrowed my brows slightly in confusion before looking to my right.

My eyes met a familiar blue and I couldn't help but blush when he nervously looked away with a red face. I looked back at Hermione who was smirking ear to ear. "Why don't you two just confess that you like each other already?" I shook my head with a sigh. "We're just friend 'Mione" Hermione scoffed. "Friends who fancy each other."

Harry and I sat next to each other on the bleachers near the back of the hall, waiting for the champions to be chosen

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Harry and I sat next to each other on the bleachers near the back of the hall, waiting for the champions to be chosen. "Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!" Dumbledore announced loudly over the excited students, he lowered the flames lighting up the room so the Goblet was even brighter. He slowly approaches the blue flame and it glows red for a moment before a flame litten paper flies out. "The Durmstrang champion is. . .Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore announced and the Durmstrang crowd cheered loudly, and another name came out after Viktor walked to the front.

"The champion from Beauxbatons. . .Fleur Delacour." Most of the beauxbatons girls cheer for Fleur as she confidently stands up and walks towards the front to stand beside Viktor. Hermione and I shared a glance of displeasure to the girls who were crying over not being chosen. The final name shoots out of the goblet. "The Hogwarts champion. . .Cedric Diggory." I clapped along with the rest of Hogwarts for Cedric. Cedric climbed down from his place on the bleachers, he grinned as he passed me while making his way to the other champions.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the Tri-Wizard cup!" People start to cheer but the goblet once again glows red and another name flies out, Dumbledore grabs it and quietly reads. "Harry Potter?" My breath hitched in fear and I froze. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore repeated his tone showing his anger. I snapped my head to my left looking at Harry in shock and worry, my eyes met his as he grabbed my hand tightly.

"Phe. . .I-I didn't-" I didn't have time to say anything with Hermione pushing Harry from his seat. "Go on Harry. Harry for goodness sake." Harry slowly and hesitantly walked towards Dumbledore and took the smoking paper from his hands. He walked all the way to the front where the rest of the champions had gone. Everyone in the hall was silent except for a few students angrily calling him out. "He's a cheat!"

"He's not even seventeen yet."

"What a bloody liar. . ." I heard Ron mutter in anger behind me. I turned to look up at him, my face still pale from the news. "You honestly think he entered himself? Why in Godric's name would he willingly put himself in something where he could die? After all these years? Honestly Ronald." I huffed at him in anger and rushed out of the hall and through the corridors to Dumbledors office knowing that was where the champions were sent.

Wow 2 updates in one night who am I?Also y'all really thought that Phe isn't gonna snap at Ron and anyone who gives hardy a hard time about this? Sis gonna snap necks Xoxo- A

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Wow 2 updates in one night who am I?
Also y'all really thought that Phe isn't gonna snap at Ron and anyone who gives hardy a hard time about this?
Sis gonna snap necks
Xoxo- A

Wow 2 updates in one night who am I?Also y'all really thought that Phe isn't gonna snap at Ron and anyone who gives hardy a hard time about this? Sis gonna snap necks Xoxo- A

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