[1] The Start

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The cool breeze whips my hair back and forth as I stand beside my father looking at the Hogwarts Express

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The cool breeze whips my hair back and forth
as I stand beside my father looking at the Hogwarts Express. "Don't be afraid to come to me if you need anything" He assures with a kind smile, I squeeze his hand that held mine.

"I'll be fine dad" I assured with a soft smile, he sighs and nods his head "I know you will. You are strong but also very stubborn just like your mother..." Looking to the side he mutters "Which is what worries me" I furrow my brows and act like I didn't hear him. "What?"

He shakes his head ignoring my question "Are you ready?" He asks making me chuckle and look up at him, "Am I ready?" I counter with a raised brow "This is your first time going back dad, are you?" He grins at my cheeky expression and question.

"I am perfectly fine thank you" he states with a smug smile before he ruffles my hair making me whine as I attempt to fix it. "Dad..." he laughs and leans down picking up his trunk "Care to sit with your old man?" I make a sour face playfully "I think I'll pass"

He nods and clicks his tongue "Ah I see...too good to sit with me" I laughed "I'll see you at school Dad" I stood on my toes as he leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek before running off towards the train to meet my friends.

Dodging multiple bodies through the mass of people I didn't watch as I bumped right into the raven haired blue eyed boy I considered one of my closest friends. "Harry!" I squealed and jumped onto him wrapping my arms around his shoulders, he grunted quietly in surprise before he caught me.

"Blimey Phe, a little heads up next time?" I giggled as he set me down "Sorry I couldn't help it. How was your summer?" He shrugs "Same as always, the Dursleys being horrible in anyway possible."

I smiled sympathetically "I'm sorry Harry...maybe this summer you could come stay with dad and I for a bit" He grinned "You think?"

A big smile pulled at my lips as I nodded enthusiastically, "I'd have to ask of course but I don't see why he would have a problem--he always talks about his adventures at hogwarts--anyways and how much fun he had with your dad and his other friends an-"

Harry cut off my rambling by setting his hands on my shoulders "Breathe Phe, breathe" I stopped talking and sucked in a big breath leaving the two of us just staring at each other until we broke into laughter.

"God I missed you" He smiled widely making me grin "Enough of my rambling, come on let's find Ron and Hermione" He nodded and grabbed my hand helping he get through to the opening of the train as we climbed on and wandered down the hall trying to find our other friends. I looked down the hall by one of the last few compartments and found Hermione and Ron talking.

"Mione!" I called out gaining her attention, she looked away from ron and smiled widely as she dragged him towards Harry and I. "There you are! We were looking for you both" I looked at Ron and found his eyes were transfixed on mine and Harry's intertwined hands.

I slowly released Harry's hand and out of the corner of my eye I could see his smile fall because of it. Ron smirked at me which I returned with narrowed eyes and a glare telling him to 'shut-it' Because of my glare Ron backed up a bit with gained a confused look from both Hermione and Harry but I just shrugged.

"There no empty compartments there's the one in the back there but there's someone asleep in it" Hermione explained and Harry shrugged "It's better than sitting with someone like Malfoy" I nodded along in agreement and followed the ginger down the hall.

"Who's that?" Ron questioned and Hermione and I both share a glance before standing on our toes and looking over the boy's shoulders. I kept a hand on Harry's back to steady myself as I stood up, I could feel him tense but easily release when he figured it was me.

I sigh quietly when I see the sight of my sleeping father curled up against the window. "That's my dad" I explain and the four of them relax as we enter, Hermione quietly makes her way towards my father reaching out to gently shake him awake. "No don't wake him"

I ushered stopping her midway, I smiled nervously when I saw her panicked expression "Sorry..he's just been having trouble sleeping lately" I apologized but she waved me off as she sat down beside Ron across from Harry and I who sat on the side with my father.






I'm not sure how long each chapter will be it will most likely be mixed but I hope you all enjoy nonetheless! I am very exited to write this and I have a lot of ideas.

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