[13] Oh My Animagus!

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"He bit me..." I lifted my head up from Harry's chest at the sound of Ron's whimpering, my eyes followed his as he stared down at his hand that had begun bleeding from a bite mark. Ron's eyes shifted to see Scabbers running away "Ron! No!" Hermione shouted to him as he took off after the rat, Hermione, Harry and I ran after him but stopped at the top of a ridge where we found Ron sitting down. I looked behind him and my eyes widened at the sight of the old tree "Guys, you do realize what tree this is..."

Harry shook his head "That's not good." He started to yell to the red headed boy "Ron! Run!" Ron looked up from the rat and pointed behind us screaming back "Phelia! Harry! Hermione! Run!"  I turned around in time to see a big pale eyed black door bounding towards us. Harry grabbed me and pulled me back shielding us with our arms but the dog jumped over the two of us and completely ignored Hermione.

The dog grabbed onto Ron's foot and started to drag him away leaving the three of us to chase after them while reaching out to Ron who kept screaming in fear. Harry dived down almost getting ahold of Ron's hand but it slipped through his grip as the black dog pulled him down the gap into the Whomping Willow. I pulled Harry up and we looked down at the gap only to be stunned by the willow throwing the three of us back.

Hermione helped pull me back to my feet along with Harry as we watched the whomping Willow twist and turn. "Come on" Harry said and we each took off back towards the tree trying to get through the gap and to Ron but we were cut off by the tree's branches swooping down. "Duck!" Hermione instructed and I dropped to the ground next to her but Harry didn't in time, he got hit backwards and Hermione stood back up only to be hit to yet she grabbed on.

"Hold on hermione!" I shouted as I pulled out my wand thinking of a quick spell "Aresto momentum!" The Whomping Willow started to slow down but I knew it wouldn't last long, I ran over to Harry and helped him up and handed him his glasses. I turned around at the sound of a thumb and found that Hermione had slid off of the tree branch. Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as we all ran to the entrance of the tree, sliding in I slipped and fell on top of Harry.

"Oh I'm Sorry" I apologized "Don't worry" harry brushed off and accepted my hand to help him up as we stood beside hermione looking in the dark "Where do you think this goes?" Hermione asked as I held my wand out once more whispering the light spell so we could see. "I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong..." Hermione and I followed him through the tunnels and

up a small ladder that led into a building. "We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione whispered and I nodded while glancing around.

"It looks like it.." I trailed off as I found dog prints through the dust on the floor and leading up the stairs. "Look" I whispered and pointed to the trail, I started up the stairs quietly both Hermione and Harry followed. I heard Ron's groans and whimpers down the hall to a random room that he was sitting in. "Ron!" I ran in and checked on him, his leg was bleeding and he was holding onto Scabbers for life.

"Ron! You're okay-" Hermione called as she ran in behind me, Harry looked around the room confused "The dog-where's the-" Ron cut him off by pointing behind us all "He's the dog. It's a trap, Ophelia, Harry. He's an Animagus..." I looked down and followed the line of paw prints along the floor to a pair of dirty human feet. My eyes trailed up and they found the man's filthy and matted hair that hung to his shoulders while he slowly stepped out of the shadows fully revealing himself. My breath hitched in my chest as my eyes widened at the sight. Sirius Black. 

He was studying my face keenly, Harry grabbed my hand and pushed me partly behind him as we both held out our wands. "If you want to kill Ophelia or Harry, you'll-you'll...have to kill us, too!" Hermione stated as she ran out in front of Harry and I. "No. Only one will die tonight." Harry moved Hermione out of the way and shouted "Then it'll be you!" he ran at Sirius and grabbed him by the neck, he pushed him to the ground and held him there with his hand and his wand.

"Are you going to kill me, Harry?" Sirius asked through his dark laughter "Yes." Harry bit just before the doors to the room were slammed open "Expeliarmus!" I looked up my eyes widening at the sight of my father as he nodded his head to the side telling Harry to move as he closed in on Sirius. Harry ran back to me and I held onto his arm while Hermione stayed by Ron to protect him if necessary. The four of us watched as my father slowly walked towards Sirius who remained on the floor. "Well, well Sirius looking rather ragged, aren't we? Finally the skin reflects the madness within."

"You'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?" Sirius retorted with a smirk, my father slowly lowered his hand and held a hand out helping pull Sirius up and too his feet. The two hugged each other tightly making my jaw drop "Dad!" I shouted the same time as hermione did. "No! I trusted you! I covered up for you. And all this time you've been his friend!" She pointed to him as she looked back at Harry and Ron. "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!"

Harry and Ron stared dumbfounded at my father as he released Sirius and stepped towards us. "How long have you known?" He asked "Since Professor Snape set the essay." Hermione answered honestly and my father nodded "Well, well Hermione. You really are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met." Sirius groaned and paced around angrily "Enough talk, Remus! Come on, let's kill him!" I ran in front of Harry "No!" My father looked at me sympathetically for a moment before turning back towards Sirius.

"Wait-" Sirius cut him off harshly "I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" My father glanced back at the four of us and then to Sirius, he handed him his wand "Very well. Kill him." He held one finger up "But wait one more minute Ophelia and Harry have the right to know why" 

"I know why." Harry spoke up "You betrayed my parents! You're the reason they're dead!" my father turned around facing Harry and I "No Harry it wasn't him but it was somebody who did betray your parents along with my wife. Someone in this room right now. Someone who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead." Harry narrowed his eyes "Who was it then?"

"Peter Pettigrew" Sirius stated "He's in this room right now. Come out, come out, Peter" He started to walk around "Come out, come out and play..." His dark taunting was cut off bby Snape running into the room. "Expelliarmus!" The wand flew out of Sirius's hands to the floor as he leaned against the old piano. "Ah, vengeance is sweet." Snape smiled smugly "How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." My father took a step towards the potions professor who had then pointed his wand at him.

He backed up next to Sirius as Snape continued "I told Dumbledore you were helping your old friend into the castle. And now, here's the proof."

"Brilliant Severus! Put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion" Sirius smirked and walked closer to him. "Now if you'll excuse us Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to" Snape held his wand right against Sirius's throat glaring at the disheveled man. I glanced at Hermione and could tell she was as confused as I was. What the bloody hell was going on?

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