[5] Chocolate Muffin

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Sitting in the bright Great Hall after dinner we talked about our classes for the day and I watch humorously as Lavender and Parvati huddle around over a dozen teacups trying to read them

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Sitting in the bright Great Hall after dinner we talked about our classes for the day and I watch humorously as Lavender and Parvati huddle around over a dozen teacups trying to read them. Across from the table Ron glared at Draco and the other Slytherins. "The little git. He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?"

Harry shrugged and turned back around facing Hermione and I "At least Hagrid didn't get sacked." I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes when Draco looked over at me but he only grinned, I continued watching him as I spoke. "I heard him talking to Uncle Lucius. He's furious..with that being said"

I looked around at my friends with a frown "I don't think Hagrid will remain untouched by the Malfoys grip" Hermione sighed exasperatedly "There has to be something we can do to help if that does happen. Maybe-" She was cut short by Seamus's shouts "He's been sighted!"

The four of us turned to look up the table to where Seamus and some of the others were crowded around a copy of The Daily Prophet. "Who?" Ron asked as we peered over to try and see what they were looking at. My heart stopped at the picture of my deemed insane uncle.

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville wondered nervously "With the Dementors at every entrance?" Lavender countered hopeful but that was ruined when Seamus shook his head "Dementors? He's already slipped by them once, hasn't he? Who's to say he can't do it again?"

Dean stared down at the eerie picture of Sirius. "That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." I furrowed my brows in worry and slowly sat back in my seat, Hermione took my hand and pulled me up with her from the table.

"Come on let's go back to the common room" I nodded and walked with her out of the great hall with Harry and Ron following behind us. Our quiet was ruined by Draco calling out to us. "Hey Lupin!" I rolled my eyes and turned around with a cross of my arms.

"What, Malfoy?" Draco jogged to a stop in front of us with Crabbe, Goyle and a few other Slytherins behind him. "So your dad's the new DA professor 'ey? Hope he's not as horrible as the last one. Or do you think he'll be extra loony?"

My jaw clenched at the mention of not only my father's nickname but mine from the cruel Malfoys. "At least my father isn't as foul as your's cousin" I bit back a small smirk on my lips knowing that he hates the reality that we are related. Draco glared but that slowly diminished as he crossed his arms challenging me.

"And what about Sirius Black? Think he'll be coming to finish the job and get you just like he did to your mum" I froze, my jaw tried to drop and tears wanted to fall but I refused and instead let Harry and Ron push me behind them as they glowered at the blonde.

Hermione wrapped an arm around my shoulders holding me close to her while Harry and Ron attempted to scare Draco away. "Leave you bloody git" Harry demanded "Don't tell me your gonna protect her?" Draco argues as he pointed past them to me "Hand her over and Black might just leave you alone Potter"

Harry lunged forward but Ron grabbed ahold of him stopping him from punching the slytherin. "Step off Malfoy" Ron warned darkly and surprisingly Draco listened, he backed away with a proud smirk.I blinked back the tears that threatened to fall at the mention of my mother and how she died. Her own brother murdered her in cold blood and attempted to do the same to me.

Harry and Ron turned around and started walking on either side of Hermione and I. Harry stayed on my left where Hermione wasn't "Don't listen to that tosser" He told me the anger still freezing him. "I would never do what he said...ever" He said sincerely with his voice softer




I grabbed my bag and climbed out of my seat making hermione and the boys look up at me curiously. "Ophelia where are you going?" I grabbed a chocolate muffin and turned to Ron answering his question "My dad wanted me to meet him before class starts, I'll see you all when you get there"

I smiled at our group and walked off out of the Great hall and through the hallways to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. I slowly opened the big door and poked my head inside finding my father upfront.

"There you are darling..I started to think you had ditched your old man" I chuckled and walked towards him giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek "I would never. Oh!" I opened my bag and took out the muffin "I grabbed you the last one. Your favorite" He smiled as I handed him the double chocolate chip muffin. I noticed him looking at me with his dad expression, I sighed and looked up at him. "What is it?"

"I heard about what happened last night with Draco..." he trailed off "What did he say?" I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers as I swallowed thickly. "He said that Harry should hand me over to Sirius in hopes of freeing himself. That Sirius could finish what he started...with mum" I explained quietly, my eyes fluttered trying to keep the tears away I heard the desk creek as he climbed off it and stepped towards me.

He wrapped his arms tightly around me and soothingly brushed back my hair with his hand "I truly don't think Sirius did what they say love...he loved Sage too much. He loves you too much" he said as he now crouched down to my height so he could look me in the eyes. He gingerly wiped away a fallen tear from my cheeks "Do not let him get to you Ophelia." I nodded and sniffled quietly, he pulled me into him once more before the class came.






Bloody Wanker that is Draco

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