[10] History

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[Outfit Above]

The snow trickled down on the three of us as we stood out front of the Three Broomsticks listening to Madam Rosmerta, Cornelius Fudge, Hagrid and McGonagall talking about the ministry

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The snow trickled down on the three of us as we stood out front of the Three Broomsticks listening to Madam Rosmerta, Cornelius Fudge, Hagrid and McGonagall talking about the ministry. "Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?" Madam Rosmerta questioned curiously "Harry Potter and Ophelia Lupin" Fudge whispered to the curly blonde "Harry Potter and Ophelia Lupin!" Madam Rosmerta shouted which initiated a trend of hush's from her company.

Fudge looked around nervously, then jerked his head toward the pub he led Madam Rosmerta and Professor McGonagall inside. Before I could register what was happening Harry grabbed my hand and had started pulling me with him inside the pub. He had draped the invisibility cloak around us before we entered the pub and followed Fudge and the others up a back staircase. "Harry what are we doing?" I whispered "Finding out what they know" He whispered back and stopped the back room door from closing so we could enter.

"Now, tell me what this is all about." Madam Rosmerta said as she walked away from the now closed door. "Well, now years ago, when Harry Potter's Parents and Ophelia Lupin's were marked for death, they went into hiding." McGonagall started as she took her hat and gloves off. "Few knew where they were. One who did was black. And he told...You-Know-Who." Madam Rosmerta nodded "I've heard this rot. It was all over The Daily Prophet back in the day. And I'll say now what I said then: Of all the boys I ran out of here, Black's the last who would've gone over to the dark side. Hearsay. That's all the Ministry had. Hearsay."

Fudge scoffed "Ha!  Tell that to Peter Pettigrew!" Rosmerta furrowed her brows "Peter Pettigrew?" McGonagall sat down on the small sofa "Little lump of a boy? Always tagging after Black and..." Rosmerta nodded "I remember him. Never let James and Sirius out of his sight but what happened to him?" As she and McGonagall talked Fudge grabbed a bottle of alcohol and started in the direction of Harry and I.

Harry pulled me back against his chest as a precaution, we stood completely still under the cloak and kept our breathing quiet no matter how rushed it was. "Well Peter Pettigrew tried to warn the Potter's and Lupin's and might have managed to had he not run into an old friend..Sirius Black" Fudge poured himself a drink and jumped back into their conversation. "Black was vicious. He didn't kill Pettigrew. He destroyed him. A finger. That's all that was left. A finger -- nothing else. There's your hearsay."

Rosmerta looks from McGonagall to Fudge and nods grimly as McGonagall continued. "Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters or to Sage, but he's the reason they're dead." Fudge nodded "And now he wants to finish what he started." Madam Rosmerta gasped quietly "Ophelia and Harry."

McGonagall nodded with a pained expression "But that's not the worst of it." Fudge added "What could be worse?" Rosmerta scoffed with her hands on her hips "This: much like James Potter was Ophelia Lupin's godfather, Sirius Black was and remains today... Harry Potter's godfather." Harry gasped, I held on tighter to his hand and pulled him with me as we slipped out of the room and out of the pub.

I planned to stop and find Hermione and Ron but Harry kept going until we came to the rock entrance of the forest. Harry dropped onto a rock and released the tears he had been holding, I wrapped my arms around him and held him as he cried until Hermione came and slowly pulled the cloak off of us. "What happened?" Hermione asked softly, not wanting to upset Harry any further.

"He was their friend. And he betrayed them." he answered quietly before he looked up "He was their friend." He repeated loudly, his eyes hardened as he looked straight ahead "I hope he finds me. But when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him." Hermione looked at the two of us sadly "He's still Ophelia's uncle" I shook my head "He stopped being my uncle the day he signed away my mothers life"




Back at Hogwarts a few months later it was now finally spring, no more snow and extremely cold weather. The days were nicer and longer and I still enjoyed my sleep just as much but I definitely did not enjoy being woken up in the middle of the night by screaming. Hermione shook me awake "what's going on?" She shook her head "I'm not sure but McGonagall wants us all in the common room" I rubbed my eyes and slid out of my bed, making sure to throw on my slippers and a sweater over my short sleeved top I followed the bushy haired girl down the stairs.

Harry being the first person I saw I walked over to him and crossed my arms against my chest keeping myself warm. "What happened?" Harry looked me over once nervously "Someone was in our room." Ron shook his head frantically "Not just someone, Sirius Black!" Professor McGonagall set her hands on her hips and frowned at Ron in irritation. "That's preposterous, Weasley. How could Sirius Black possibly have got through the portrait hole?" Ron shrugged exasperatedly "I don't know how he got in! I was a bit busy dodging his knife!"

McGonagall sighed and looked to Ron's right at percy one of his many brothers "Percy, have you seen Sir Cadogan?" Percy looked around the walls "I-I..Oh! He's her 'fessor." Percy pointed to a painting on the wall and McGonagall squeezed her way through the students. "Sir Cadogan? Sir Cadogan?" Sir Cadogan stopped messing with one of the other paintings and lifted up his helmet "Ah! How can I serve you ma'am?"

"Excuse me, is it possible that you let a mysterious man enter Gryffindor Tower tonight?" McGonagall asked and we all watched as Sir Cadogan walked through the other paintings across the wall. "Certainly, good lady! He had the Password." He messed up the game of chest two of the people were playing in one of the paintings "Had the whole week's, in fact. On a little piece of paper." I cringed knowing immediately who it was that caused this. "Which abysmally foolish person wrote down the passwords and then proceeded to lose them!"

McGonagall asked as she turned around and faced us all in the room, her eyes found Neville who looked down at the ground guiltily. "Is it always going to be you, Longbottom?" McGonagall sighed and Neville nodded embarrassedly. "I'm afraid so, ma'am." She sighed again and patted Neville's shoulder "Well Sirius Black is gone tonight, I think you can safely assume he will, at some future time, attempt to return. Now I speak for the entire staff when I say while we take every precaution to ensure your safety it is incumbent upon yourself to act responsibly. Understood?"

Everyone either nodded their head or gave a tired mumbled yes, we broke apart to re enter our separate sections. "Very well then, off you go. And remember to act responsibly" Ron glared at Crookshanks "And this cat ate my rat." Hermione brushed her fingers through crookshanks fur "That's a lie!" Ron scoffed "It is not and you bloody well know it!" he turned around and walked back up the stairs. I looked over my shoulder and saw Harry sitting on the couch in front of one of the fire places, I walked around it and sat beside him.

"I could've killed him." Harry stated as he rubbed his hands together "He was right there. He was close enough to touch. I could've killed him." I set one of my hands on top of his comfortingly and gently rested my head against his shoulder. "They'll catch him Harry...they have to"






I want to cry every time 'Phe or Harry is sad basically meaning like always.

- A

Also kinda surprised no one has picked up on how I sign off at the end of the chapter.
Hint: It's a Freeform tv show (ABC Family)

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