[18] Farewell...for now

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I looked up to the sky checking to see where the moon was finding it still hidden behind the clouds

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I looked up to the sky checking to see where the moon was finding it still hidden behind the clouds. When my eyes fell back down towards the willow I saw us starting to climb out. "Here we come." Said and the three of us stood up to get a better sight of our group coming from the tree, Harry's lips twitched into a smile. "You see Sirius talking to us?" He asked and glanced past me to Hermione who nodded and hummed a response. "He's asking me to come live with him."

"Really?" She inquired and I nodded as well "He's very excited to have Harry with him and to invite my dad and I over all the time" Harry nodded and his voice was light and wistful as he spoke. "When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursleys. It'll just be me and him." He glanced at me and smiled even wider "Except of course when you're there Phe. We could live in the country someplace where you can see the sky. I think he'd like that after all those years in Azkaban."

He trailed off as our sight of the happy reunion was quickly changed to the fearful change of my father from a man to a creature of the night. The screams of Sirius telling us to run and the growls from the werewolf echoed over the hills. "Let's go." Harry rushed and we ran through the forest, down the winding hills, and through the tall trees. We stopped in the middle of a few bushes and watched as my past self threw a rock at the werewolf causing it to turn around snarling.

Hermione quickly cupped her hands around her mouth and started howling, Harry as a reflex covered her mouth and looked back to see my father backing up from me. "What are you doing?" Hermione looked from me to Harry seemingly saying something else besides her spoken words. "Saving Ophelia" I looked back through the grass and my eyes widened "Thank you Mione' but we have to move. Now!"

Hermione frowns in confusion "Why?" Harry followed my eyesight and pushed me behind him along with Hermione. "Because that werewolf you just called is running right this way. "Run!" I yelled and grabbed onto both of their arms pulling them with me until we were all running beside each other. Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me with him behind a large tree and we watched as Hermione curled herself inside an opening of another tree near us.

We slowly inched around the tree quietly panting as the howls of the werewolf could be heard around us. Stepping backwards from beyond the tree I heard a low growl causing me to slowly spin in my toes and find my father bounding towards us. He stood on his hind legs about to attack us, Harry wrapped his arms around me from behind and turned, covering me waiting for his attack.

Out of nowhere Buckbeak flew in and stopped in front of us screeching and flapping his wings to scare away the werewolf. When he achieved his plan he turned around calmly and approached us, he nudged his beak gently into my side. "Thank you Buckbeak. What would we do without you." Hermione slowly peaked out from her spot in the tree and made her way towards us. "Are you two alright?"

Harry nodded but released a sigh and looked in the direction my father ran off into. "Yeah..but Professor Lupin is having a really tough night..." I pursed my lips and unknowingly curled closer into Harry's chest as a chill wind rose around us, the leaves on all the trees began to tremble and dark shadows could be seen fluttering over the moon.

"Sirius..come on!" Harry kept one of my hands in his as we ran through the woods in the opposite direction of my father to find Sirius. We stopped upon the black lake where Harry and I were trying to wake Sirius. "This is horrible..." Hermione murmured sadly as she witnessed this for the first time. Harry, however, shook his head firmly "Don't worry. My Dad will come...he'll conjure the Patronus" As all of the dementors began to swarm us Harry's breathing quickened as he stumbled over his words nervously and pointed to the rocks in front of us. "Any minute now...right there you'll see..."

Hermione eyes Harry warily and I share the same expression unsure of what he thinks. "Harry listen to me...no one's coming." Hermione carefully said but Harry being the stubborn one he is, shakes his head again. "Don't worry he will! He will come!" Hermione and I both look back over and find nothing but the past Harry, Sirius and I. Hermione gasped softly "He's dying....all three of you.." She trailed off and before we could stop him Harry went running forwards.

Thrusting his wand out Harry screamed "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" A large white light emanated from his wand and hit each dementor causing it to retreat immediately. The three of us after seeing Snape and the others come for Harry and my past selves we ran back to where we left Buckbeak and flew back to the castle. We landed in front of the cell they held Sirius in, I slid down off of Buckbeak and held my hands out using my powers to blast the cell door open.

"I will never get used to that" I heard Hermione mumble in amazement from behind me. Sirius stood up and walked towards the opening and I looked at him in exasperation. "Come on we have to go" Harry lifted himself, Hermione and I onto Buckbeak and Sirius climbed up, luckily Buckbeak could handle a lot of weight. We flew through the sky all the way down to the courtyard where we would say our goodbyes.

"I'll be forever grateful for this. To all of you." Harry looked up at Sirius "I want to go with you." Sirius smiled at the raven-haired boy "One day perhaps. For some time... life will be too... unpredictable. Besides, you're meant to be here." Sirius bent down in front of Harry as he sat on the stone bench and held on to either side of his arms comfortingly. "But your innocent" I argued quietly as I looked down at the long-haired man.

"And you know it...And for now, that will do" Sirius gestured for me to come over and so I did, I slowly sat down beside Harry and Sirius cupped the side of our faces with one of his hands. "I expect you're tired of hearing this..." He started as he looked into Harry's eyes "But you look so like your father..except your eyes..you have-" Harry smiled and cut him off "My mother's eyes" Sirius looked over at me and released a heavy breath, I could see the tears twitching in his eyes. "For you, Ophelia...it's safe to say you got the Black family looks"

I giggled lightly at his comment "But truly..you look just as your mother did at your age" He looked in between Harry and I and frowned "It's unfair that I got to spend so much time with your parents and you both so little. But know this...the ones that love us.." He looked over and met my hazel eyes. "Never really leave us" He smiled "And you can always find them-" He set a hand on both of our hearts "In here"

He stood up and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head before walking around the corner and climbing back onto Buckbeak. "You really are the brightest witch of your age" Sirius complimented Hermione who smiled widely before backing up towards Harry and I as we stood there bidding a final farewell to Sirius Black. For now... As we watched Sirius fly off with Buckbeak the clock started to strike telling us we needed to get back to the hospital wing. "We have to go."






Part 1 is almost over and I'm sad.
- A

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