[22] Old Not-so-Friends

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After the match that the Bulgarians won we all went back to the tent for the night to eat and hang out

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After the match that the Bulgarians won we all went back to the tent for the night to eat and hang out. I set down my mug of hot cocoa as Ron was going on about Viktor Krum again. "There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind." The twins ran around Ron laughing and flapping their arms around. "He's more than an athlete, he's an artist." I looked at Ron amusedly. "I think you're falling in love Ron."

Ron glared down at me as I walked past towards our section of the tent to get ready for bed. "Viktor I love you! Viktor I do!" The twins sang mockingly. "When we're apart my heart beats only for youuu!" They sang along with Harry and Ginny until their singing slowly dissipated due to screams coming from outside. "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Fred mused.

"Stop! Stop it. It's not the Irish." Mr. Weasley ordered as he pulled Ron and George apart. "We've gotta get out of here. Now." He stated as he looked around at his children and the rest of us. Hermione grabbed onto each other as our group gathered outside the tent. "Get back to the portkey everybody, and stick together. Fred, George... Ginny is your responsibility." George grabbed Ginny's hand carefully to not lose her as we all started into the woods.

Many figures in the crowd were wearing hoods and carrying flaming torches as they walked through the campsites destroying tents and firing spells at others. Hermione gripped onto my hand tighter until we were pulled apart by people rushing through us and banging around. "Phelia!" I heard someone call my name but I couldn't find them through the blackness.

I continued through the woods trying to find my way back towards the portkey when I was hit with a spell that sent me back into a tree. I groaned from the impact and slowly pushed myself up just enough to look at who fired at me. There stood Fenrir Greyback and two other death eaters. I tried to get my breathing under control as I hid behind the tree. "The infamous Ophelia Lupin." I heard the dark laughter of the werewolf, sticks cracked under his heavy footsteps. 

"Your father was an old friend-" He stressed the word friend with an evil grin. "-of mine. I didn't get to finish him off but I can use you to get to him." I slipped my wand in hand and peaked out around the tree too fast for him and the others to stop me. "Bombarda!" I jumped up from the tree roots and ran through the smoke caused by my explosion.

I kept running through the bushes and trees trying to find any light through the darkness. I ran right into someone who quickly wrapped their arms around me. I screamed and tried to pry myself free out of fear that it was Greyback or another death eater. "Let me go!"

"Ophelia! Phe it's me!" I looked up and met his bright blue eyes before sighing in relief and melting into his arms tiredly. "What happened to you?" Hermione asked worriedly as she pulled me out of Harry's arms and into hers. "You were with us one second then gone the next." Ron stressed. I jumped as a bigger handset itself on my shoulder. "It's alright Ophelia. Come on. Let's get back to the burrow. We can talk more there where it's safe."

Mr. Weasley led us all back to the portkey and to the Burrow where we met the twins and Ginny who had made it there before us. Oh heavens.." Mrs. Weasley gasped when she saw the five of us but her eyes zoned in on a dirty Harry and I. She rushed over to us and pulled us each into a bone-crushing hug as she wiped away tears before hugging her husband last. "Thank merlin you are all alright."

She looked back at me and lightly tapped my forehead where a cut had been due to my getting with a tree. I winced in pain and frowned as a result, Mrs. Weasley took my hand in hers. "Come on dear, we'll get you all cleaned up. She brought me into the living room where she had me sit in a chair as she got her supplies together. She cleaned the cut before putting a bandage over it. Just as she was finishing up my father apparated into the warm house. He rushed over to my side and squatted down in front of me as he checked me over. "What happened darling? Are you alright?"

"I wanted to clean her up before she explained." Mrs. Weasley said calmly to which my father nodded at. "Thank you, Molly." Mr. Weasley sat down in another chair while Harry, Hermione, and Ron sat on the couch. Ginny went upstairs to lay down while the twins hung around the living room too. "What happened when you got separated from Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" Mr. Weasley asked gently.

"I kept going through the woods hoping I would find you guys by the portkey but I got hit with a spell which gave me this." I gestured to the small bandage on my forehead. "Do you know you hit you?" My dad asked, his tone was calm but he was worried. "It was Fenrir Greyback and two other death eaters.." I watched as my dad sucked in an angry breath as he tried to keep his temper under control. "Did you use your powers?" Hermione asked quietly and my father's head snapped up awaiting my answer.

"No, I used my wand." I looked at my dad and bit on my bottom lip. "Dad..the ministry knows about my powers." He sighed heavily and rubbed a hand over his face. "If they haven't done anything about it by now they most likely won't." Mr. Weasley assured my dad who gave him a weak smile.






Ooo things are heating up. What do you guys think is coming this section?
Is there anyone you'd like to see Ophelia connect with more?
See you next time - A

 What do you guys think is coming this section? Is there anyone you'd like to see Ophelia connect with more? See you next time - A

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