[21] World Cup

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[Outfit Above]

"That's it, sir, just over there

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"That's it, sir, just over there." I looked ahead at Mr. Weasley's word and saw we were reaching the top of the hill where a lone boot was. I jogged forward along with Ginny and grabbed on to the side of the portkey. No matter how many times I have used them before with my father it does not make it easier. "Time to go. Ready? After 3. One... Two..." I glanced to my right and saw Harry sitting there awkwardly.

"Harry!" The raven-haired boy rushed to grab the book and managed to get ahold of the top just before we took off into the air. Hermione squealed from my left as we were propelled into the air and were spinning around vigorously. "Let go kids!" Hermione started to panic towards Mr. Weasley. "What?!"

"Let! Go!" Mr. Weasley repeated and we all did as follows, I released the boot and fell back through the air. I was close to landing softly on my feet until Ron crashed into me and grabbed on for dear life. I groaned as the two of us hit the ground harshly. "Ugh...Ronald" Ron shook as he released me and sat upright. "Bloody hell I never thought I would be so happy to be on the ground."

I ran a hand through my hair as I sat up, I turned to the redhead far enough to glare and smack his arm. "Ow!" He yelped. "That was for pulling me down with you." George walked towards us with a laugh at his brother's misery before holding out a hand to pull me up. "Thank you, Georgie" George smiled down at me warmly. "Anytime Phelia" George and I caught up with everyone else that followed Mr. Weasley to the grass edge. "Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!"

We all started to walk through the large mass of people, Hermione, Ginny and I were looking around in wonder at all the wizards playing with fireworks and music and all of the people flying above us. The closer we got to one small tent set for us Mr. Diggory turned towards Mr. Weasley and shook his hand. "Parting of the waves I think old chap, see you at the match." Cedric and him separated from us all leaving us to get unpacked.

"Home sweet home." Harry looked at me in confusion as everyone entered the small tent Mr. Weasley held open. "How are we all going to fit in there?" I grinned widely. "You'll see." I entered the tent and followed Hermione and Ginny to our part of the magically expanded tent. "Girls. Choose a bunk and unpack." Ginny picked the bunk above Hermione at her father's instruction, while I grabbed the one on the bottom across from the two.

"Ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry." I could hear Ron mutter to himself as he stepped out of the kitchen and other to the boys part of the tent. "Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron." The twins repeated in sync while they sat at one of the tables with their feet up. "Feet off the table." Mr. Weasley scolded them both. "Feet off the table." They repeated once more and followed by taking the off until his back was turned then they put them right back on.

Two loud horns started to go off outside our tent alerting us that the game was starting. Mr. Weasley rounded us all up and we set out for the stadium, we continued climbing the many stairs to one of the highest rows. "Blimey Dad, how far up ARE we?" Ron questioned with wide eyes as he looked down towards the pitch. "Well put it this way, if it rains...you'll be the first to know" With narrowed eyes, I watched as Draco and his father walked past us from a few rows down.

"Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco attempted to show off but quickly quieted at his father's word. "Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people." Lucious looked up at Mr. Weasley with a slight smirk. "Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can." As they walked past Draco glared at me to which I did the same back. "Cousin."

"Draco." I rolled my eyes as the two light blondes made their way to the minister's box. "I still can't believe you're related to him. Even in the slightest." Harry grumbled. "You and me both, Harry." I reported quietly. The ceremony finally began as multiple fireworks and balloons went off into the air. "Come on up, take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for." George and Fred lead the way right behind their father as they almost jumped for joy.

"Come on!" George called impatiently. "It's the Irish!" Fred exclaimed. I wrapped my matching green and white scarf tighter around me as did Hermione. Harry and Ron were sporting red and Black colors for the Bulgarians while Ginny, Hermione, me, the twins, and Mr.Weasley are all wearing green and white for the Irish. I looked up as five green and white figures fly by on their brooms leaving a color trail behind them. A glittery leprechaun bounced around in the sky happily dancing to an Irish jig.

"Here come the Bulgarians!" George announced just as five red and black players came out on their brooms, one performed a stunt causing many to cheer in excitement. Another one of the players appears on the large screen and I recognize him to be Viktor Krum and the crowd started to chant his name.

"Good evening! It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!" Hermione, Ginny, and I cheered loudly for the Irish as the match began while Harry and Ron were both screaming for Krum.







Is it too early for me to be planning the ball chapter?
I just love it so much and I'm excited to see some people maybe fight over who gets to take Ophelia.
Hint hint

Kisses - A

Kisses - A

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