[20] They Know

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[Outfit Above]

"Dad, come on, we have to get to the Weasleys!" I called my father from the living room "I'm coming, I'm coming

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"Dad, come on, we have to get to the Weasleys!" I called my father from the living room "I'm coming, I'm coming." My father walked into the room and set his cup of coffee down on the table. "Do you have everything?" I nodded but he continued to question. "Toothbrush?"





"Yes, Dad. I have everything now can we get going, please? I don't want to miss Mrs.Weasley's breakfast. She always makes the best muffins." Playfully rolling his eyes he took my hand in his as I held onto my bag for our time at the game. He apperated us right into the Weasleys living room startling the twins who were lounging around. "Little Lupin!" They greeted in sync before they both pulled me into their arms in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry for just popping in Molly" I heard my father apologize to the red-headed woman. Mrs. Weasley shook him off. "Nonsense you both are family." The shorter woman turned towards me and opened her arms wide, I happily hugged her back. "It's wonderful to see you, sweetheart." We pulled away and she cupped my face in her hands. "Oh look how you've grown over the break. Go on upstairs Hermione is there trying to wake up the boys."

I nodded with a smile and walked off up the many stairs and down the hall towards Ron's room where Hermione was about to enter. "Mione!" I called out excitedly. The bushy-haired girl spun around and grinned widely when she saw me. "Phelia!" The two of us squeezed the other tightly in a long-awaited hug. "Did you just get here?" She questioned as we pulled away. I nodded with a soft laugh. "I couldn't wait to have some of Mrs. Weasley's famous breakfast. I love my dad but he isn't the best cook."

Hermione chuckled at my words before glancing at the door to Ron's room. "You wake up Harry and I'll wake up Ron?"

"Have fun. Ron sleeps like the dead." Hermione silently groaned before opening the door and walking over to the latter's bed. I walked over to the other bed about to wake Harry when I saw he was twisting and turning roughly. "Harry" I called as I gently set my hands on his shoulders helping him stop moving. "Harry." The boy continued to twitch in his sleep. "Harry!"

Harry jolted awake and quickly grabbed his glasses, slipping them on before looking up at me. "Are you alright?" I asked worriedly. He swallowed thickly. "Phe.. Bad dream. When did you get here?" I glanced over my shoulder at Hermione trying to wake Ron up. Grinning slightly I looked back at Harry. "A few moments ago. You?" He pushed himself up to a sitting position in the bed. "Last night."

I nodded. "Well get dressed, Mrs. Weasley made breakfast for everyone before we leave." I walked towards the door with the candle holder in hand as Hermione agitatedly stormed away from Ron's bed. I snickered as the two of us went back down the stairs meeting everyone else. "I told you he sleeps like the dead." Hermione rolled her eyes. "You'd think the mention of food would get him up faster."

I shook my head as we got to the last step. "Ron hates waking up early. Even if food is involved." Hermione wandered off into the kitchen when my dad approached us. "Are you leaving?" I asked and received a nod before he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of my head. "I will see you in a few days." I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "Bye, dad." We broke away and he waved goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley before disappearing out of the burrow.




After breakfast, everyone gathered their bags and left the warm burrow to follow after Mr.Weasley through the woods. "Hey, Ron. Where are we actually going?" I glanced back at Ron waiting for him to answer Harry's question. Ron shrugged. "Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Mr. Weasley walked sideways to look back at his youngest son. "Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" As our group kept walking Ginny and I both quieted our chatter when we heard another voice.

"Arthur! It's about time son." The two of us looked ahead as a man walked out from his place beside a large tree. "Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Mr. Weasley apologized and looked back at Ron pointedly who only yawned. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone, he works with me at the ministry." As Mr.Weasley came to a stop in front of Mr. Diggory Cedric dropped out of the tree. "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"

"Yes sir." Cedric answered as he shook Mr. Weasley's hand. Ginny leaned into my side with a dreamy look towards Cedric. I shook my head amusedly at her antics, she looked at me surprised. "You don't think he's attractive?" I shook my head again. "I wouldn't say he isn't, I just don't see him that way. We've known each other since my first year. He saw me sitting alone on the train and came to sit with me."

I faintly heard a sigh of relief from behind me but decided not to pay too much attention to it. Ginny looked at me wide-eyed. "You mean you're friends with Cedric Diggory?" I shrugged slightly. "I would say more acquaintances. We wave at each other when we pass in the halls and talk here and there but not much."

"Merlin Arthur are they all yours?" Mr. Weasley chuckled at Mr. Diggory's question and shook his head. He gestured to his children that were mixed in. "No, no. The redheads are mine." He gestured to Hermione, Harry, and I separately. "These are Ron's friends Hermione Granger, Ophelia-"

"Ophelia Lupin and Harry Potter." Mr. Diggory cut him off with a dropped jaw. Harry and I both glanced at each other nervously. "How..-" I started to question before he butts in again. "I know all about you due to the events from last year" His tone got lower. "And even more Ms. Lupin." I swallowed thickly at the expression he made. He knew which means that they knew. The ministry knew about my powers.

Mr. Weasley sensed that I was becoming uncomfortable and distracted everyone. "Let's get going shall we?" He started off back through the woods with Mr. Diggory, Cedric, The twins, and Ginny right behind him. Hermione, Ron, and Harry all surrounded me as we kept going. "What was that about Ophelia?" I frowned nervously at Hermione's question. "He knows."

"Knows what?" Ron asked in confusion. "He knows about my powers. Which means if he does.."

"Then so does the ministry." Harry finished and I nodded. "I need to tell my dad as soon as we get back."






Turns out her secrets not so secret anymore
What do you think the ministry will do with this information?
How do you think Remus will react to this news?
Until next time - A

Turns out her secrets not so secret anymore What do you think the ministry will do with this information? How do you think Remus will react to this news? Until next time - A

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