[29] Stronger To You

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Ophelia held her books tightly against her chest as she walked through the courtyard on her way towards her divination class with Trelawney when she spotted Draco about to fire a spell at Harry who's back was towards him

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Ophelia held her books tightly against her chest as she walked through the courtyard on her way towards her divination class with Trelawney when she spotted Draco about to fire a spell at Harry who's back was towards him. "Harry!" She called warningly. The raven haired boy's head snapped towards her for a moment before he spun around just before Draco could fire. Ophelia quickly ran over and jumped in front of Harry causing Draco to angrily stuff his wand into his pocket and glare at the brunette.

"Don't think yer gettin away with that." The group of teens heard Mad-Eye mutter as he limped towards them. The old man quickly turned towards Draco and cast a spell turning the blonde boy into a ferret. "I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned." Moody began to bounce the ferret turned Draco up and down as he grumbled different names. "Professor Moody what-what are you doing?" Professor McGonagall questioned as she rushed over, she pushed past some of the students that had gathered and began to laugh at Draco's expense.

"Teaching." Moody answered shortly with a side eye glance towards her. "Is that a-is that a student?" McGonagall asked in horror as she gestured towards the white ferret. "Technically it's a ferret." Mody corrected before bouncing Draco once more and then pulling open Crabbe's trousers and putting Draco in them. Harry laughed along with many of the other students, Moody glanced over at Harry and winked making the boy laugh more.

Ophelia however watched him suspiciously, her father told her stories of Mad-Eye and never did he once say how he would mess around like this. Draco managed to crawl down Crabbe's leg and get free, McGonagall instantly flicked her wand and turned him back into his human self letting him jump up. "My father will hear about this!" Draco shouted at Moody as he stumbled backwards further away from him. "Is that a threat!" Moody began to run towards Draco who ran away while McGonagall shouted after him. "Professor Moody!"

"I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!" Moody yelled after Draco who ran through the hall with Crabbe and Goyle behind him. "Allistor!" McGonagall commanded, finally earning his eyes. "We never use transfiguration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that." Mad-Eye looked down at her wand that she pointed at him with a stern expression. "He might've mentioned it." Moody said with an almost pout for being in trouble. "Well you will do well to remember it." McGonagall warned him before walking away.

Moody called out to Harry and led him away leaving Ophelia to walk off with Ron and Hermione who had been watching the event nearby. "Don't talk to me. I want to remember what just happened forever." Ron told the girls with a smug grin making them both shake their heads in exasperation. "You almost got hit with whatever nasty thing he was about to cast." Hermione said to Ophelia who shrugged. "Why did he stop when he saw you? Thought Malfoy didn't have a heart." Ron asked as he looked back at the shorter girl. "Because as much as he doesn't like me I'm still his cousin and his mother would kill him."

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