:.Cold shoulder.:

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(Aha, well I had time today so I decided to give this story an extra update. After this though, I'll be back to work ;P Work that I am just too lazy to do haha. Anyway, enjoy~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

"Wow. I don't think that I've ever met a human like you." Flowey admitted as I took a stroll through the snowy woods. The air was crisp, life was nonexistent... yep. A wonderful day to be taking a walk. "You're not even scared? I mean... leaving like that might make them hunt you down."

"Well, they will be hunting me down. " I corrected as I tried to extend my path into a different direction. For the past ten minutes, I have been casually making a number of distinct trails to throw my pursuers off... now I needed a unique approach.

"Hey, so what are you doing? Shouldn't we be running?" The flower asked, causing me to shake my head with a small sigh. That's what they'd be expecting me to do.

"I am throwing them off of our trail. Keeping them busy for awhile." I explained as he gawked at me.

"Wow, human. You really are smar- WATCH OUT!"

I came to a halt directly in front of a strange patch of snow. It took me a moment to realize that I was staring at a bear trap... that would of given me an awful time. "Huh... puzzles I knew about, but violent traps? Thanks, Flowey."

Looking around carefully while pulling up my scarf, I decided to come up with a new idea. They were closing in, and I could feel it... If I somehow lured them here, then I could sprint back and find a way to wait them out. I wouldn't get hungry since I had... food.

"Hey, we should get moving..." Flowey was now whispering, worried that Sans would be nearby. I didn't blame him either, that skeleton managed to put me on edge too. Grabbing some snow as I made several more tracks, I decided to use my grapple to climb up one of the distant icy trees. Since they didn't know that I had this, they wouldn't be expecting it. "Good idea..."

Now here was the real plan. Molding the snow that I grabbed into a snow ball, I took aim at the bear trap that was a good distance away. The point of this? To lure the monsters away from the bridge. "You won't make that shot, just-"

But it was too late, I threw the ball and it easily hit the trap to activate it. Flowey's eye was wide in surprise as I never even showed the slightest amount of accomplishment over my aim. "You must of played a lot of games to do with aiming to land that shot..."

I shushed him to not give our location away. Before climbing this tree, I made sure to cover my footprints to it. The snapping sound of the metal rung through the area, alerting everything to our presence. All I had to do was wait for a few more minutes...

Blinking from some of the snow fall, my eyes reopened to spot Sans kneeling down by the trap. He looked to his left, and then sharply to his right. Just as I suspected, the skeleton never bothered to look up... by now I was smirking.

All this time, he must of been dealing with terrified children... not an experienced killer. 

He was lucky that I retired in the murder department... I made a promise with myself to never again stain my hands with the blood of others. I accomplished what I wanted to do, and now I would complete what Gaster wanted from me. In order to do that, I needed to remain invisible to these psychopaths. 

Originally, the plan was to seek out assistance from Alphys to gain access to all of the Core files. But from what I've seen? That wasn't going to be possible. "SANS. SANS, DID YOU FIND THAT HUMAN?"

The smaller skeleton looked towards the trap one more time with unease before returning to Papyrus. This was my opening.

Coming down from the tree, I didn't wrap the grapple around my waist and instead sprinted back towards the ruins. I made an effort to stay in my old tracks so that they would not follow me, I even jumped over a bear trap without it activating. Poor Flowey didn't seem very amused by my sudden pace. Probably should of warned him.

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