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(And here is the next chapter to this story! Just a quick note too, I hope that everyone here is safe with the virus going around. At times like this, it is important to make an effort to not get sick! So be careful :D Enjoy~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

Since Sans still refused to give me back my prototype, I instead started to wander around Snowdin's forest. It's been a few days since the questions took place... and that skeleton has practically been watching my every move. Sleep wasn't something that I managed to do, I was too restless with the attack of that sniper. No doubt some other group was preparing to enter this place.

When I tried to tell Sans And Papyrus about the potential threat, they merely gave me an odd look and stated that I was now even more essential than before. Apparently, I was capable of attracting their dinner into the Undergound.

Two days ago, I saw Sans sharpening a piece of wood with his hatchet. He was smirking down at his work in a very crazed way. When I asked him about what he was doing, he only looked up and said "Sometimes, cupcake... the best way to get to the root of a problem is to spear off the head of it. Heheheheehe..."

Imagine my irritation when he used that nickname. Actually, he started calling me by a lot of different things that all revolved around food. It started to become rare for him to say my name- unless of course he was asking me a serious question.

Anyway, lets get back to the matter at hand. I wasn't exactly wandering around the forest. Once I conduct the repairs of the Core, I will need to edit a few things in it's functions to insure that these save points will no longer exist. Though, I am fairly certain that they are all corrupted and incapable of being properly used.

And Sans wasn't following me for once... ugh. 

Bringing my gloved hand up to my chin to think more on that, I did feel as though these areas did still hold a concentration of magical energy similar to a save point. However, I doubted that it could be properly accessed.




I was so lost in thought, and my perception was somewhat disoriented from my lack of sleep that I didn't realize myself bumping into a small figure. No... maybe it was the lack of malicious intent that I was looking for in others that prevented me from sensing this person. Looking down, I saw that I bumped into a child who fell to the ground. She was thin, clearly panicked and wearing a purple dress that was tattered. 

"I am s-so... sorr-" She tried to say to me as I looked down on her with my neutral expression. Before she could say her little apology, sharpened bones pierced through the snowy ground beneath her, stabbing through her flesh and killing her in an instant. The bones slid past my body at either side, never once hitting me but easily spilling some blood onto my cheek. At the sound of her pale purple Soul shattering, I turned around to see Sans with his hand raised.

The skeleton slowly started to walk into my direction, but only released his magic upon noticing the child's death. I knew that Sans was aggressive but-

Did he seriously just attack her for bumping into me? Was that worth her life? Then again, I had to remember that I was accepted here by both skeletons. "Heh."

His small chuckle was all I heard before I felt it- a reset? Was that actually possible? And it occurred just before his arms were able to reach around my body in what seemed like an embrace.

Maybe I was simply daydreaming, I mean, I am fairly exhausted. Coming back to reality, I found myself walking again. Deciding not to take the same route due to my suspicions, I instead turned around to cross the bridge that would lead me to Sans' sentry station.

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