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(Like I said, here is the next update for today! I hope that everyone enjoys it. We'll get to see the Reader waking up after being drugged... aha, anyway. Here is the next chapter!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

A faint noise could be heard through my tired state of mind. I felt very disoriented and somewhat off-balance as I struggled to open my (E/c) eyes. Once I started to wake up a bit more, a small rattling sound that could be compared to a purring cat was heard. Huh... was it one of the Amalgamates?

Once feeling returned to my arms, I felt the smooth yet firm sensation of bones holding my hand. A thumb was stroking at the (S/c) skin of my palm, almost acting out of curiosity.

If I wasn't uncomfortable from whatever I was sitting on, then I'd probably just go back to sleep. When was the last time that I felt this peaceful? Did I ever feel like this? Once my mind managed to snap into the reality of my situation, I was quick to say one thing. 


And just like that, all movement stopped. His hot breath was no longer felt at the tip of my nose, instead he choked it back and stared at me as if he were frozen in place. This was um... a very unusual situation. And to be perfectly honest, I still haven't collected myself enough to deal with it. "What are you doing."

My words may of been placed like a question, but they were obviously a statement. When he didn't respond, I opened a single (E/c) eye to stare at him. Getting a better grasp of the situation upon seeing it first hand, I noticed a few things.

First, he had my hand in his own and was using his phalanges to previously stroke my palm. Okay... next, he was way too close to my face. And finally, I was straddling him...

Wait. I was straddling him.


What was I even doing here?

When I moved to climb off of him, I immediately fell to the floor since my body was still asleep. What even happened to me? Like seriously...

That skeleton didn't make any moves to help me up once I fell out of his bed. Instead, he just watched me with a sense of interest, obviously wondering what I'd do next. "What happened?"

Taking that as his queue to do anything else other than stare at me, he was quick to swing his legs over the side of his bed before lashing out a single hand to roughly grab my arm. Then, I was pulled back onto the comfort of his mattress. "Papyrus said that ya passed out."

I passed out? Has that ever happened to me before? "I seriously doubt it."

"Oh really? Then when was the last time that ya got any sleep?" He growled out. This attitude was much more different than his previous one where he was holding me and putting out some kind of vibration through his bones that was similar to a purring cat.

Actually... I enjoyed the sound. It reminded me of a content kitten.

Getting rid of that thought, I tried to think about his question. When was the last time that I slept? Time to start counting since I couldn't leave with my legs still not cooperating. "I slept for two hours the last time that I was here."

"So ya didn't sleep for the whole two weeks that you were gone for?" By now, he seemed baffled. To be honest, I knew that I got a few naps in? But I really couldn't recall them.

"I had a few naps I think in between that amount of time..." I was really trying to think back on it before sighing with irritation. My headache was enough to make me collapse, but honestly? I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. Sans' close proximity while I was unconscious seemed very unsettling.

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