:.Second chance.:

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(Well, now we'll be hitting the conclusion to what happens in the story. If some of you possessed the perceptive soul trait like (Y/n), then you might of noticed all of the small hinting that I have been doing up until this moment ;) But if not, there is no harm in reading to find out! Also, this chapter was almost 4000 words, so I am sorry for any errors. Enjoy!~)

---Frisk's Pov---

After I instructed one of my men to kill Papyrus, that is right when the real hell started. Once I got a good look at the tall skeleton who I remembered to be very bubbly in nature, the reality of who he was came crashing down.

I didn't know what my curiosity would bring me, but I definitely wasn't expecting this. We both stared at each other for awhile, I was able to take in his crooked and bloody teeth... and those sunken in eye sockets that remined me of an endless darkness. Papyrus looked terrifying, like a true monster.

Shakily looking down at my hands towards the communication device that I was holding, I had a hard time coming to terms with my actions. Previously, I wasn't too bothered by anything that I did since I could just Reset everything back to normal. But right now, that was still impossible for me. If I could take everything back... would I? 'Stop thinking like that, partner. Look at it like this... without Reset, we can put an end to all of this suffering, kill them all!'

Chara was right... they didn't say it in the nicest way, but ending all of this pointless suffering did seem like the logical choice.

Suddenly, shouting for help could be heard from the man that I sent after Papyrus. He sprinted out of the foliage with something chasing after him. Relentlessly, a gaster-blaster came into view. I knew that It belonged to Sans, but I still couldn't believe how corrupted the magic looked with its vicious red glow.

Without a second thought, the blaster snapped its jaw around his body, dragging him back into the woods before he could make an escape. And right after that event, everything started to go downhill.

I lost another member of my group to a bear trap, it sprung around his entire body with its sheer size. We tried to free him from it for about forty minutes, but by then... his internal bleeding and punctured organs took his life.

When I thought that now would be a good time to relax, an unlikely face came into view. With how much this place had changed, I didn't expect to see our initial target... still alive and well. In one hand, (Y/n) was playing with a round object that I immediately knew to contain the stolen high grade fuel. "Hmm... I was taking a stroll through the forest, a casual one in all honesty."

Her voice was calm and didn't betray her in the slightest as she stared at us with cold (E/c) eyes. 'She has the eyes of a killer... she is making me a bit anxious.'

Now that was strange, I mean? Chara... a bit nervous? Regardless, she still had that fuel that I needed to obtain. Killing the Monsters was on my list of things to do, but that item in her hand was also my ticket to a comfortable life after this. Not taking the precautions that were necessary, I quickly instructed two of my men to move in on her. The distance between us wasn't too large, but it was enough for them to have to sprint. "But instead, I find some less than intelligent Humans trying to approach me. If you would like some advice, then all I can give you is this."

Shouting could be heard from the two as they suddenly stopped moving. A thin blanket of snow layered something quite unusual that I have never seen before... didn't this use to be a massive puzzle that was hidden in the ice?! 

Without any warning, they started to sink as if there were quicksand under them. With all of their struggling, I could make out the color of the snow that should of been white- but instead, it was blue. "Think of blue snow as a stop sign. If you see it, then you stop."

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