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(And here is the second chapter! I'll probably be writing out the last ones as relatively longer than usual since I want to cap this off at forty chapters. Somewhat OCD I guess haha, but all the same I aim to please. Anyway, enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---


The shouting woke me up and was accompanied by loud snarling noises. Once my (E/c) eyes snapped open, I sat up abruptly and started to look around. I was in a such a deep sleep, and my Soul felt so comfortable and safe being around Sans... that I failed to perceive a threat.

Once my eyes managed to adjust to the darkness, I narrowed them in uncertainty at the door that was wide open. Why did it feel like I was forgetting something important?


Where is Sans?

Looking down towards my chest where he was once sleeping peacefully, I could tell that we were probably out for almost nine hours... surprisingly, his sleeping habits were growing on me.

Slowly my hand moved up to brush against my opposite arm, but once I made contact... I hissed in pain. What the hell?

Taking a better look, I noticed a slice in the fabric of my clothes that went straight down to my skin. Seemingly, the fabric of my coat around the initial cut was damp with a coating of reddish saliva. At first, I assumed it to be blood... but I soon placed it as Sans' work. Whatever he did, it seemed to stop a lot of the bleeding that would of soiled my clothes.

But... what... happened?

Clutching my head firmly in deep thought, the throbbing from my headache was getting much worse.

PING. SLASH. COUGH. And then more growling...

Carefully, I went to move out of the room... but not before noticing a deep gash in the wall next to the door. I knew immediately that this was the cause of Sans' weapon. And judging by how deep it was... not to mention the splinters from dragging it out of the wall... Sans was enraged.

Before I could exit the room, I found myself slumping against the door as another wave of pain pounded against my head. This was absolutely frustrating... I must of been too groggy when I somehow managed to get cut, only to pass out and have some kind of faint amnesia. Taking another quick glance at my wound, I knew that something was terribly off about it's location- almost as if... "(Y/N)?"

Papyrus said, suddenly showing up right in front of me. Why did I feel so terribly weak? Instantly, as if something was wrong, Papyrus lowered his voice. It became menacingly low. "(Y/n)...  you must return to the bed. Sans is in a protective mode right now. He thinks of that as his territory while in this state, and believes that you are safe there. If you go out into the open, he might become assertive with you."

"Assertive?" I suddenly asked while raising an eyebrow. Not deciding to heed his warning, I carefully moved past him... but not before stumbling to the railing just outside. I was feeling very light headed.

"(Y/n)!" He whisper-yelled. Taking a look over the railing, I managed to see three dead bodies scattering the floor. Several of their limbs were missing, Sans was still shirtless... a few organs were hung up like Christmas decorations. All in all, an almost normal morning. "Sans... he is not himself."

Once he said that, I took in Sans' state of mind. He was more unpredictable than usual, his eyes seemed to be looking past the physical aspects of our own world and instead... were identifying others by their Soul. He let out a low vibratory sound from his ribcage, almost sounding like an entertained growl.

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