:.Thank you.:

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(Okay, here is the next chapter for you guys. I thought that I wouldn't find time for this today, but with my inability to sleep, I guess I was wrong. Anyway, enjoy!)~

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

It's been two days since I turned Sans into my personal elevator. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing- on a good note, he was lowering me into the depths of the fiery core with the use of his blue magic... but I wasn't too fond of how he held my Soul. It lacked any kind of ease, as if he were in a state of panic. His magical grip was firm and unforgiving, showing just how scared he was to drop me in.

And then, he'd have the audacity to claim that he was done moving me around and instead wanted a break. Blamed it on his magical energy depleting... which seemed impossible since I got to witness his endurance  first hand in his bedroom. Since I wasn't a fool, I knew that this was his way of saying that his anxiety has hit its peak. He couldn't lower me into the Core for a few hours, because he was getting too nervous.

After one or two hours, I found myself able to coax him into doing it again. Of course I had to remind him that the sooner this was over, the better. That we could finally relax and take a nap or something.

I also had to remind myself that one wrong move around the Core could mean my very existence. To make this work, I had to have full faith in Sans. Sure I could of done this alone, but it would of taken a whole week. With Sans here, I was finally managing to finish up... this would also be much quicker if he wasn't trying to take so many breaks.

But now... I managed to hit a wall. Because once again, Sans was trying to stand in my way. "Nope."

"Sans, we're almost finished. Why must you be so insistant about this?" I said while crossing my arms. The skeleton stared at me with his half lidded stare, not letting up in the slightest.

"Because you haven't eaten anything. If it weren't for this damn hole in my skull, I would of been keepin' count of your meals." He snapped. Letting out a deep sigh, I relaxed further into the chair that he sat me on moments ago. Watching from a distance as he went through his pockets, he soon let out an annoyed growl before vanishing entirely.

Leaving me alone was possible for his instincts, because I was able to walk. Unfortunately, I was limited to how long I could do so... and I was limping a bit which resulted in him giving me a lecture.

Of course I am also hungry, but that cannot compare to how anxious I am to finish this work. Having someone who cares about you is so... exhausting. "You know, it is rude to stare. Say what you need to say, Alphys. Before he returns."

The small yellow lizard shuffled from her hiding place, approaching me carefully. Despite being blind, she looked around in fear, hoping that Sans wouldn't come back. "H-how... did you g-get him to be s-s-so calm?"

"Well, one day he decided that we were mates. Ever since, he hasn't stopped following me... and now I've decided to give myself to him." After explaining this to her, she seemed very confused... and even more scared if that was possible.

"D-don't you think that m-maybe...? Um... You should b-be worried? I-I mean... Sans isn't exactly stable."

"I am aware. However, he has proven himself trustworthy to me. I've chosen to accept his feelings since I wouldn't be able to flee from them. And honestly? It is for the best." I explained blankly. Alphys' face went slightly pale, she didn't know how to respond to my nonchalant attitude.

"Do you... l-like him?" she squeaked out. Pressing a knuckle to the side of my cheek, I gave her a lazy look. However, while looking to give her an honest answer... I found myself smiling. Sure my eyes were still as cold as the ice, but my small smile was still there.

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