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(So I am going to say this. I doubt that this chapter is what everyone is expecting. Please keep in mind that you, (Y/n), are very strong mentally and physically. I don't want to shy away from this character aha. Dare I say that you have... backbone? Ha. Anyway, enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

This was no longer some kind of debate, I knew what he wanted and I wasn't just going to give into it. I had my prototype, there was no reason for me not to resist against something like this. Against something so forceful. Sans retained damage to his skull, and so, it made sense that his thoughts were much more animalistic. He couldn't think straight.

The only way to beat an animal who saw themselves as dominant, as an alpha, was to challenge them. I was not some kind of fragile Human that would just submit to him, and he knew it. That's why he took many precautions in pinning me against the door.

Papyrus clearly had no fear when sending me into the lion's den. He knew that Sans had a bone to pick with me, and he also knew that I would need to resolve this. And if I needed to bend his pride to do it- then I would. Silver lining?

I wasn't going to deal with his attitude.

I knew that he was trying to put a mark on me, and that he wanted this to be done in the safety of his room- his territory. Again, he was acting like an animal... which was surprisingly normal for a lot of skeleton Monsters. Gaster described this to me once. He claimed that skeleton Monsters had a more primal instinct to defend what their Souls accepted as a mate. If you were... unlucky enough to be claimed by one of these Monsters, you were very unlikely to escape from them.

Normally, you could just deny the bond that they felt- but I couldn't deny that I like Sans. My Soul's response to his approach was only fueling his act, however. That didn't change the fact that he wasn't going to give me an actual choice. After everything that happened here in the Underground? Sans wasn't in a right state of mind. A intelligent individual that lost their sanity was much more terrifying than when they were sane. Their mind works faster, and it will always leave little to no room for argument.

Not to mention Sans' fractured skull. He couldn't think straight with damage like that done to him. A skeleton with an injury to their head was a terrible thing to behold. Usually, it could be healed immediately to prevent them from slipping into insanity. Although, with further investigation I learned that Sans' one was going to be permeant. He wouldn't always be rational. Especially not now.

Ugh, this situation wasn't rational. Especially since it was far from some kind of marking. If I let him do anything like that to me, he would just be at my back at all times... snapping with some kind of feral edge. If Monsters haven't gone through hell and lack of food down here, I would have been more trusting towards his antics. But since everyone changed drastically and went crazy, I had to accept that Sans would always be far from himself. Right now he was trying to push me into a relationship, and I wouldn't be forced under his dominance. "If you truly want this, Sans. Then I suggest that you make an effort to obtain it. Because I refuse to lean into this primal aggressive instinct of yours. I will not be treated like some kind of fragile doll by your animalistic side."

He chuckled darkly, leaning in close with his mouth parted to reveal a set of very sharp fangs. He was getting very close to my neck, ready to place a primitive mark upon me. But I wasn't having it. Suddenly, I shot my head backwards to hit his own, effectively knocking his skull back and loosening the grip.

Slipping from his grasp, a loud snarl echoed through the room. He was bearing his fangs at me, warning me to not disobey him. Lowering my body down, I had to make sure that his teeth didn't sink into my skin, if he managed to pull off an inch of depth, he would have his claim. Now I just need to insure that he wont use magic. "Your body is weaker than mine, Sans. Why should I respect your dominance if you cant even physically restrain me?"

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