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(Well, I decided to make time for my readers <3 so here is another update for everyone! I hope that you all enjoy!~)

---Sans's Pov---

I hesitated to take my first step into the Lab, especially since the area was consumed by an eerie silence. Actually, I was half expecting screaming... though I never did hear (Y/n) scream. Not even before I knocked her unconscious with my axe. She was very composed and sure of herself.

Slowly I walked forward, swallowing hard at the foreign hum of power throughout the area. I mean, most places didn't have electricity anymore so why would I be use to it?

Something about the Core's failure made certain shortcuts completely useless. I couldn't teleport into the True Lab, but I knew that I would be able to get out. Now why was it so broken here? I really can't remember. It was just unstable.

Scratching at my empty eye socket, I started to wonder if (Y/n) was maybe already dead... though that didn't sit with me well since I didn't want the Amalgamates to be the ones eating her corpse. And then I started to think- how would she taste?

After groaning at the thought, I let out a small yawn. All of this talking, walking and killing was making me want to go and take a break. Unfortunately, I was supposed to be guiding (Y/n) away from her death. As much as I wanted to break the promise to go and take a nap, I knew that I shouldn't. I should at least try to find her... but then again...

Calling out for her was not an option. I only had one teleport out of here, and I didn't want to waste it by having some starving creature attack me. However, me being down here was a blessing by itself. I don't make shitty decisions that will usually get myself killed... so if I needed to flee and leave her here, I wont feel too bad about it. It's her problem at that point.

To be perfectly honest, her dying despite potentially being able to fix the core really didn't mean anything. Sure less Monsters would starve... but so many of us already had a taste for Human flesh. We were addicted, and nothing would change that. Even I enjoyed the taste... at first I felt disgusted, but I soon accepted my new diet.

I could almost imagine pinning (Y/n) to a wall so that I could sink my teeth into her (S/c) skin... rip out a piece of her to chew on while savoring her blood. For some reason, the thought of spilling her blood for a taste was tempting.... but killing her personally? That didn't really sit well with me. Maybe it was because of that promise? Or...

Was Alphys right?

Passing by a room, I stopped in my tracks when I heard a noise. Whatever it was, it kicked around some boxes. Peaking inside with my signature creepy stare, I saw something that instantly made me want to back away. It was Memoryhead... and they were looking very occupied by something. In a few moments, we locked gazes and the creature gave me a contorted smirk. 

Ready to teleport out in the snap of my fingers, I decided to stand in place for a few more minutes out of pure curiosity. What would it do? Or better yet... what would it say? "Heya, pal."

"HELP. HELP US." It screeched out with a slight gurgling noise in the back of its throat. Shivering from how it spoke to me, I took a step back. My smile was still firmly in place, but I was sweating a bit from the uneasy interaction. "sAnSsss"

Oh god, it knew my fucking name. I was about get the fuck out, until it became slightly passive and started to once again rummage through the boxes beside it. "Beware. BEWARE. BeWaRe."

It's heads were talking at different points, making it very hard to understand.

"Beware THE maN who SPEAKS IN haNDs." Wait a second... that sounded very familiar. And I mean, what was this Amalgamate even doing? "HelP the HUMAN tHaT understands THE other world."

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