:.The truth.:

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(So since everyone has been so supportive as of late, tomorrow or the day after I am thinking of doing a day of updates aha. So basically, I plan to consecutively update as many times as possible. Should be interesting, right? Well, I am hoping to get at least three chapters or more out in the same day. Anyway, enjoy!)

---(Y/n)'s pov---

A date...


Gaster never prepared me for this. He taught me science, Monster biology, combat and a lot of other things. But not this.

I knew that I felt something different whenever I was around Sans... so reluctantly I agreed to his request. Of course I told him that I wouldn't do anything unless he followed through with his favor first. As a result, he happily left to complete his given task.

Exhaling a puff of white air from my parted lips showed the temperature drop. I couldn't help but notice how cold I felt right about now... it almost made me consider asking Sans for his hoodie despite the vast amount of blood stains upon the fabric.

Fortunately I remembered to wear my gloves before coming out here, otherwise I would of returned to Sans' home... only to collapse on his tattered green couch with the full intent of getting some rest.

Watching from the tree line as the young Human solved one of the puzzles after a suspected Reset for the solution, I noticed how the air seemed to be very thick with some kind of anticipation.

After Papyrus left one of his puzzles, I walked up behind Aliza before she could leave the area. Leaning down, I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention... judging by her panicked expression, she was very startled by me. "Hello. I don't believe that I caught your name."

"A-Aliza..." She muttered out while staring up at me with her big hopeful eyes. Turning on my heels to walk into the vast forest, I made a swift hand motion to tell her to follow me. She patted down her messy brown hair in an attempt to look more presentable... perhaps in a somewhat self-conscious way before eagerly pursing me.

"That is a lovely name. I'm (Y/n)." I responded. The soft crunching sound of snow filled my ears as the small girl followed me into the forest. I made sure to navigate around carefully, weaving through the deeper snow and foliage. "I hope you do not mind if I ask you a few questions..."

She shook her head. Offering Aliza a fake smile, I carefully moved myself over a fallen log. After feeling a faint pull on my soul that pushed me a little further past the thick piece of wood, the child was not so lucky. She aimed to jump over the log, only to end up with her foot caught in a bear trap.

Once the snapping sound was heard, Aliza started screaming loudly with that high pitched voice. Sharply turning my head to face her, my (H/c) hair got caught by a gust of wind that effortlessly tore through my coat. If I stayed out here any longer, I'd probably become sick. Narrowing my eyes into a look of irritation, I knew that I'd have to make this quick. "Relax. You don't want to attract the dogs... I will assist you out of that trap."

Moving to face her, I soon approached Aliza and leaned down to view her ankle. She was a sobbing mess as I took a careful look at the metal teeth that tore into her skin. In the distance, I could practically feel a large group stalking towards our direction. I knew that it was the dogs, but they were a bit too scared from their last encounter with me to actually approach. "Hmm... this trap is rusty in certain areas. Can you not simply Reset out of this situation? Load a different save point? Many Humans possess that ability."

So I lied to her about this in an effort to obtain the truth. Children were always so gullible, making this very simple. "N-no... It only works when I die..."

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