:.Another step back.:

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(This chapter is going to alternate through a few different perspectives as it progresses. I am sorry for the constant switching, but it must be done aha. Anyway, I hope that everyone enjoys!~)

---Flowey's Pov---

I could feel the world Reset after a loud hum of energy echoed across the walls. I couldn't believe it- she managed to fix the core.

My expression was nothing short of a smile as the world changed into something much more brighter. Going back to a time where the atmosphere wasn't out of balance from the unstable energy, I could feel the presence of both of my eyes. The Reset fixed my appearance... the pain that I previously felt was finally gone.

The emptiness that I previously drowned in meant nothing in comparison to everything that happened.

She did it.

She managed to fix everything.

She gave us a final chance to be happy.

Although... I found myself narrowing my eyes with confusion.. She seemed so familiar, so close... but what was her name? What did she look like? Why did I feel so bothered?!

Sighing as I stared up into the hole of the ceiling, I could remember that Frisk would be falling soon. The memories that I lived with from our terrible future became nothing more than blurry. Did it really happen? Were all of the Monsters eating Humans? Were they all starving?

Maybe it was all just a bad dream.

Yeah... a bad dream...

Turning around at the sound of something hitting the soft flower bed, I took this as my queue to get into position. I moved on to the next room, waiting for Frisk to walk in.

Once they did, I gave them my normal cheery smile, but I couldn't help my own thoughts on them. 'The dumb, headstrong type. Here we go again.'

"Please do not suggest that my intelligence measures down to the equivalence of a rock."

Sharply turning my head to look around in shock, Frisk stood in place while giving me a weird look. Was I hearing things? Did I know that voice? Why did it sound so familiar... huh. "Flowey."

Weird, Frisk never spoke first. I always initiated contact with them primarily, but now they were the first to speak? "What?"

My tone may of seemed a bit harsh, but I really couldn't help it. Frisk seemed very confused as they struggled to find their next words. "This feels weird... It was a Reset, but I didn't do it..."

Wait... WHAT? "If YOU didn't do it... then who the hell did?!"

"I-I have no clue! But... for some reason, I can't Reset. And ugh, my head! I feel like I suddenly got thrown down an endless pit, as if the Reset was taking forever to put us back here!" They groaned out while holding their head firmly.

Strange, I knew that them feeling like that could only mean on thing... we must of jumped back quite a bit in time. I mean, even I felt kinda sick.

Shaking my head, I decided to cut this short upon seeing Toriel. Things would progress here shortly, and without a Reset there would be no going back. Everything could finally move forward.

---Frisk's Pov---

One year has passed, but I decided to stick around for a bit longer before breaking the barrier. Something was different this round, and it was the fact that there was a new face in the Underground! And wow... did he seem pretty confused.

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