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And here is a third update for today! Sorry if there are any mistakes, I am trying to make this relatively quick so I can try to put these out as quick as possible, especially since I was cooking dinner at the same time haha. Anyway, enjoy!~)

---Aliza's Pov---

After about an hour, Sans stumbled back into the house. He looked unsure of himself, and very off balance. Papyrus, who was trying to show me how to cut around the bone of a Human... immediately rushed to his brother's side. He didn't care if his hands were stained with blood, he just seemed worried.

Not that I cared, this subject horrified me.

Papyrus slowly eased Sans into the house until his brother was able to plop himself down on the tattered green couch. It was like he saw a ghost... that and his eye sockets were as empty as a void. The familiar sinister crimson eye that frequently pierced through my Soul in a chilling way was gone- it was just that creepy smile and darkened eyes.

I was going to ask him if he was okay, but his pitch black stare focused on me once I even dared to take a step forward. Why was he suddenly giving me that creepy look? "Stay away from me, Human girl."

"SANS, WHAT'S WRONG?" Papyrus asked in my place while I took several steps back. Now taking a closer look at Sans, I noticed that his hood was up and that he was hiding himself in it to the best of his abilities. Was he... embarrassed or maybe shy?

"Paps. I need to chat with ya. Alone." He said bluntly. Papyrus' stare seemed to narrow before his words were sternly directed in my direction.

"GET OUT." He commanded. Not wanting to irritate them anymore, I slowly stepped outside beyond the door. I could still hear Papyrus' voice from inside, but Sans was far too hushed. Instantly, I shivered once the colder temperature hit my skin. (Y/n), a true monster had a jacket and the concern of these creatures... why couldn't they give me, a victim, anything?

"SHE DID THAT?" Was one of the things that I heard from Papyrus. Sans was too muffled for me to catch on to. "OH, I SEE."

I tried to press my ear against the door, though I was a little bit afraid to be doing this. I couldn't help but be curious... did (Y/n) finally do something that would get these Monsters to kill her? "WELL YES, OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO TAKE CONTROL OF THIS."


I missed that, what did Sans just say? I tried to press myself further into the door, but I couldn't make out anything of value. "Yeah.... going.....teach her.... lesson...."

God that sounded too quiet. But it did sound promising! Something that (Y/n) would not be prepared for, especially if no one told her anything! "STOP ACTING SO SHOCKED SANS. THIS WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN EVENTUALLY. YOU NEED TO DEAL WITH THIS IMMEDIATELY, OR IT WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU."

Yes... this was looking good. I doubt that she can Reset, so whatever mistake she did to get them this angry, she would never be able to fix it. "Okay......................I will......make her....after what....to me."


"You.....planning....me?" Ugh, Sans' dialogue was too much of an under case tone of voice for me to understand. I couldn't make out his words, and that bothered me because I felt like I was missing something pretty important.

"OF COURSE, BROTHER. THOUGH I AM NOT SURE OF YOUR INTENTIONS, I DO WANT THE BEST FOR YOU." And then, before I could back away, I felt the pressure of a blade hitting into the side of my head. Sans had literally thrown his axe at the door, and it cut through the wood to strike me down. "Fucking eavesdropping. Didn't your parents teach you any manners, meatbait?"

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