:.My friend.:

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(Alright, time for the next update. In this Chapter, we will be speeding along a bit. Also, please do keep in mind that this is Horror Sans aha. He will have more sinister ideas... anyway, I hope that everyone enjoys this!~)

---Sans' Pov---

It's been around three weeks since (Y/n) left. I knew that she was hanging out in the True Lab, working endlessly on the repairs for the Core... though a small part of me felt somewhat uneasy. I kind of wished that she'd be working here, at my place.

I made sure to tell Papyrus about her in case she decided to come back here. He was pretty surprised that she wasn't lying about her intentions for us- but no matter how I prepared for her return by killing Monsters or telling the citizens of Snowdin not to mess with her... she didn't come back.

A knock sounded at my door, causing me to sit up slightly... was it her? "BROTHER. YOU HAVE BEEN IN YOUR ROOM FOR TWELVE HOURS STRAIGHT. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?"

No. Of course it wasn't (Y/n).

Ugh... yeah, I was in my room for that long because I was trying to sleep. Before I had her beside me, I might of been able to get some sleep every few minutes before waking up alert. Strangely enough, when she was laying next to me for those five hours- I slept. It was the best sleep that I had in years.

Papyrus growled from the other side of the door and decided to bang on it harder in an effort to get my attention. "BROTHER, IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP... I SWEAR THAT I'LL GO AND DRAG THAT HUMAN HERE TO DEAL WITH YOU FOR ME."

Wait... WHAT?!

Swinging my door open so quickly that it almost fell off its hinges, I was met with the crooked smile of my brother. "FINALLY. NOW GO AND APOLOGIZE TO HER."

Huh? I gave him a look of confusion which only caused him to groan.

"HONESTLY BROTHER, YOU ARE SO INSENSITIVE AT TIMES. VERY WELL, I WILL HAVE TO DO THIS IN YOUR PLACE." He practically yelled out. Stumbling back from his loud voice, I almost forgot what it was like to listen to him since I got used to (Y/n)'s silence while I hung out with her for a bit. Though... once he started to leave, I remembered something important while scratching at the interior of my empty eye socket.

"Stop." I stated darkly, causing the taller skeleton to spin around on his heels with a look of interest. Going back into my room, I grabbed her bag of notes and food before returning to Papyrus to toss it into his direction. He gave me a look of disappointment once he caught it. "Give that to her."

"YOU ARE SUCH A LAZY BONES AT TIMES, SANS. ONCE AGAIN, YOU ARE LEAVING I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, TO DO YOUR WORK FOR YOU." He didn't seem too happy as he stormed out of the house while slamming the door shut. To be perfectly honest, I didn't know how to approach (Y/n) after what I said to her... because she was right. I really didn't know anything about her. But since I didn't plan on going to her, I came up with a plan to make her come to me.

It bothered me when I thought that no matter how much I pried at her past, she never broke once... however, for some reason I wanted her here. I didn't like her being out of my line of sight. Of course, Monsters viewed relationship development as a lot faster than a  Human generally would. Usually, A Monster would need to find something they like about the potential Mate in question in order to develop feelings.

And unfortunately for me, I had to learn to respect her fairly quickly. Not only that, but I also started to enjoy the scent of her blood... even her sarcasm and how she gave me attitude was enough to interest me. (Y/n) also had a way at challenging whatever dominance that I threw at her, causing me to feel somewhat determined to put her in her place. Although I wouldn't state that I was in love with her or anything, I knew that I probably did like her... but due to how I was, I had to come up with a way for us to spend more time together- even if the plan was put together by my more psychotic side.

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