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(Here is chapter thirty six. This chapter should start piecing the story's end conclusion together, it isn't too clear yet but it will be soon :). It was long, and took awhile- but now that we are almost done, I can finally start to properly format my next idea haha. Sorry for any errors, longer chapters could mean more mistakes. Anyway, enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

"Sans. We need to get up. Papyrus still hasn't returned, and you've been holding on to me like that for hours." I managed to say. My back was pressed against his ribcage, he was acting childish and only peered over my shoulder in a half lidded stare. "Sans-"

"If you don't stop movin', I'll take ya for another round." He threatened which caused me to give him a look of minor irritation. I stopped trying to struggle away from him, which in turn caused the skeleton to snuggle into my body further. "You're so difficult..."

"Perhaps... but you do enjoy it." I replied. Sans didn't offer me a response, he only sighed in content from the warmth that he was able to feel.

"So soft..." He muttered against my skin, trailing kisses at my shoulder until he managed to reach my mark. My body was littered in cuts, bites and even a few bruises... Sans was proven to be more than aggressive in the bedroom.

After a few seconds, Sans ran his tongue against the mark... and then let out a low purr from my lack of disobedience. Once I felt one of his hands outlining some of the cuts that he left on my back, I turned to face him with a shiver. "Sans. If we do not deal with the current threat, then we might encounter more trouble than it's worth."

"Heh... and who is the real threat right now, cupcake? Them... or me?" Well, that is a valid question. However, a question like that would always have a good answer.

"Depends, are you planning on trying to kill me anytime soon?" I suddenly asked. He raised an eyebrow at the simple inquiry, and when he didn't respond... I concluded my statement. "Exactly. You're not a threat to me- currently. But they are."

Sans let out a loud snarl before his hands pulled me tighter into him. His hostile nature made me realize that I may of pointed out something that easily put him on edge. But regardless, it did get him relatively worked up and maybe even a bit less lazy. "I'll deal with it."

He suddenly decided. I looked up at him, his eye was flaring a dangerous color of red as he glared towards the door in heavy concentration. Sans' bones rattled with fury, I didn't know if I'd ever seen him so angry before... If we were not bonded to one another, I'd probably feel the need to defend myself. "And while I am- You're gonna stay here."

Several clicking sounds echoed through the house as he moved to get up. In an instant, Sans was grabbing his clothes from the floor to put them on. He didn't apply his white shirt since he was probably trying to do as little as possible, and instead got his hoodie on while throwing the hood over his head. "Wait-"

But it was too late, the skeleton had vanished with an axe in hand and left me in his home. Every door and window was locked, no longer giving me any kind of access. With an irritated sigh, I trailed my fingers through my hair until I eventually felt a familiar metal object. It was my hair pin.

Bringing the object up in front of my face so that I could insure that it wasn't bent, I soon got to work. I felt somewhat off balance to stand on my two feet since my body was basically abused by him. When I felt confidant in my own strength, I lowered myself towards the keyhole on the door and started picking the lock. Once the door clicked open, I turned around towards my clothes, picking at the vast array of fabrics.

Stone Cold Pacifist (Horror Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now