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(Time for the next chapter. Tomorrow, I might be able to find the time to do two updates rather than just one. Hopefully I actually manage to do so since everyone is giving me so much support for my stories. Thank you so much! Anyway, enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

I swear that I am not the type to be irresponsible. Perhaps it is true that I do not care very much for my own health- or maybe it is that I am just very tired. But without Gaster's guidance, I completely forgot to grab my coat and scarf from Sans' room. I was in a hurry, and he was already stirring awake.

Shivering as I walked towards the Lab, having to pass through the snow to reach Waterfall was a real pain. My body had several cuts from Sans, and not to mention the sight of several bruises. The both of us really did engage in a battle for dominance, and neither of us dared to back down. Sans would have his way in the end, because he would refuse to give up.

But myself? I wanted to stop evading him. It was costing me too much energy and eventually felt pointless. Weaving around him, evading his attack and desire to mark me became a waste of time. After all, I could of been back to work in a few days with little issues rather than... this.

Now, since I ran away from him, he'd be hunting me down. I'd have to constantly look over my shoulder and prepare myself for his next assault. And this time... I doubt that I'd be able to stop him. Papyrus managed to explain to me that his more aggressive instincts were lashing out at me because I was not taking care of my body. It triggered him into a mode of protection.

To protect me from myself- how ironic.

My body shivered from discomfort after cold wind blew in my face. The next thing I knew, I was suffering from the weather. I honestly couldn't help it when I let out a small sneeze. "Wonderful, I'll probably catch a cold. Perfect timing."

Last time I got sick was after one of my heists. I left the safety of my hideout without Gaster's knowledge. Needless to say, I was young and wanted to impress him since he seemed down that day. Sure I managed to return with one of the pieces that he wanted for our project, but it was at the cost of my health. I forgot to wear a coat that day, and ended up coming home absolutely soaked.

Looking down at the snow, I wanted to smile. Almost wanted to. It was a memory that I was fond of since I was able to make the doctor both upset and content at the same time.

Shaking my head, I soon found myself entering Waterfall. I had to remember that my perception would be beyond drained from potentially becoming sick- like last time... where I accidentally tripped over a piece of wrapped candy on the floor. That was the first time that Gaster ever told me... that sweets would be my undoing.

Ugh, that man still haunts me with those echoing words. 'Beware the candy, beware its wrath.' Yeah, how it has made me mess up throughout my life. Thanks for the warning, Mr. Royal Scientist. Really appreciate it.

A small chuckle escaped from me as I reached a path of glowing blue flowers. I couldn't help but stop to crouch in front of one, admiring its beauty before I faintly whispered out in irritation. "I hope that what I am doing here brings some kind of happiness."

"Nothing will change what you've done."

Sharply turning around, my eyes landed upon Aliza's cold glare. She was giving me a look of hatred with a knife firmly held in her hands. "So, are you here to patronize me? Go away if so, I do not have time for your childish games."

She scoffed at my words, shaking her head with a small sigh. I couldn't defend myself properly against her, and she seemed to be aware of it. "You don't deserve to be alive. Me killing you will be like a bad joke, right?"

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