:.Save us.:

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(Just because I love all of my Readers, I took the time to put this out asap. I only do this for you guys since you support me so much <3 Anyway, enjoy the next chapter!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

"So how long is this gonna take you?" Sans asked while flipping his empty ketchup bottle upside-down since it was empty. Having to explain everything again made me mentally sigh, but maybe giving him a timeframe for my work would keep him from crawling on my back at all hours of the day.

"A few weeks to put everything together. While on the Surface, I gathered the necessary tools required for this. However, there were several things that I couldn't get that were instead here, in the Underground. So once I retrieve everything here, I will need to put it all together."

"Alright. Since you'll probably need a place to that, you can stay at mine." He said with a small chuckle. I knew that he was going to patronize me over that, so I decided to just go with it. Papyrus was relatively harmless in my eyes, as long as you flattered him. Not to mention... once he were to learn that I wasn't lying, he'd probably become supportive. "Hey, Pal. You do realize that fixing the Core wont solve all these problems down here?"

"Honestly, Pal. It isn't my job to fix the problems of the Underground. I'm just here to fix the Core." Yes, I openly mocked his use of the name 'Pal'. Actually, I blatantly mocked him a lot...

"Heh. You know, I liked when ya used my name" He claimed, causing me to give him an odd look. Why would he like me using his name? This skeleton was honestly too much for me.

"And perhaps I was hoping that you'd give my name the time of day."

He paused for a moment, completely stopping in his tracks before once again scratching at the crack in his skull. "(Y/n)."

"Yes, Sans?" The skeleton gave me a half lidded stare while once again continuing to walk. I wasn't entirely sure, but he maybe seemed to be... somewhat content.

"You have a nice name." And then there was silence. Well played, Sans.

As we both walked further into the cave of Waterfall, we could hear the sound of rushing water. Thankfully, my senses weren't drowned out when I grabbed Sans by his hoodie and pulled him out of the way of a shadow that was about to hit him. "The fuck-"

He had no room to argue over my actions once he saw a rabid looking creature in front of us. He was yellow with a stripped shirt and empty starving eyes. From my list of names, I could point this new face out as Monster Kid... only he looked much larger and definitely feral. No words were spoken by him, and Sans merely stood in place with astonishment by my willingness to pull him out of the way.

Engaging in combat with Monster Kid who gave me a starved growl, I simply gave him a cold glare. Since I didn't want to hurt him, I selected the 'Act' button. "Back off, we do not want to fight you."

And then, he attacked. Using his turn to try and slash at me with his clawed feet, I dodged out of the way. My evasion was elegant and very professional, even Sans could see that. Unlike with the dogs, I didn't want to show off my high LV in order to intimidate him. Sans' reaction was too unpredictable for that. MK's mouth was dripping a black substance, showing that his hunger was in full control... how can I approach this?

"Just kill 'em." The skeleton urged. I shook my head at his proposal and kept to my evasive movements. I wasn't a killer anymore- I refused to take another life. Since I was so focused on dodging, I never noticed the expression that the skeleton gave me... it was confused, but yet, nostalgic at the same time.

Eventually, Sans sighed at my lack of willingness. I could hear his magic come into play once he stepped into the battle to take his turn. Snapping my attention towards him as a blade flew past the side of my head, it landed directly into the chest of the MK. The small Monster looked down towards the weapon lodged in his body, making a gurgling noise as blood began to pool beneath him.

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