:.Earning their trust.:

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(Well, despite being a little busy as of late- I did make time to write this for everyone ^-^ Next chapter will be for Fated! Also, I am so happy to have finally reached the twentieth chapter.... this is around the time where I start considering my next large story. So, I am thinking of a few different plots. Mafia Sans, Jevil, or Underswap Sans are all potential candidates for this, and my Readers can even take a vote on their preferred one for what I do next. Anyway, enjoy!~)

---Aliza's Pov---

Reset after reset, everything would quickly come to an end once I made even the slightest amount of contact with (Y/n). I caught Sans trying to give her a cookie, but she politely declined while saying that she wasn't hungry...

And then I asked to eat it.

Instead of giving me the cookie, he reached into his pocket and pulled out some wrapped up candy. Once he handed them to me, I ate whatever it was and found myself choking to death... not to mention that evil grin that just kept on getting wider as my face turned a deep shade of purple. Sans is dangerous, and I can't trust him.

I mean, earlier I even managed to catch a glimpse of her laying in the snow with Sans sitting by her side. Her eyes were closed, but the moment that I got close... she opened them at the exact same time that my head was chopped off. This time though, Sans was frowning in anger...

And with every reset, those two were always out of place- as if... they were aware.

When I tried to think back on that cookie, the way he was trying to give it to her... it reminded me of Toriel with her pie back in the ruins. She tried to poison me to keep me from leaving. Is she refusing to eat his food because of the fact that he might be trying to drug her in some way?

Two tall legs stepped beside me, and I found myself looking up at Papyrus. He stared at the two from a distance, how they walked side by side so calmly... actually, (Y/n) seemed to lead while Sans just followed behind with a lazy smirk. How did she go about earning their trust? "WHAT IS WRONG, TINY HUMAN? AH... PERHAPS YOU ARE HUNGRY?"

He asked, smirking down at me with his crooked smile. "Um... yes, but I am wondering about them?"

"......You mean (Y/n)?"

I took a step back when he spoke like that. His face was shadowed heavily by the overhanging trees and easily made him look horrifying. Why did he say her name like that? Why did I feel so threatened by him?!

And then, as if it wasn't even there... his sinister expression faded. "SHE HASN'T BEEN SLEEPING IN AWHILE. BOTH MY BROTHER AND I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET HER TO REST, BUT SHE REFUSES."

"Then... why does Sans-"

"SANS PROBABLY FEELS LIKE YOU ARE INTERFERING. IT IS LIKELY THAT YOU ARE DISTRACTING HER FROM SLEEPING." He said... but I couldn't help but catch the sneer in his voice. Moments later, Papyrus lowered a plate of spaghetti to my level... I didn't have a fork, but I was so hungry that I just started to pick at it with my hands.

It was good... too good. Or at least that's what I thought. Just before I could finish the meal, I ended up choking on something. Soon after, I was pulling a long strand of brown hair from my mouth. What the hell is in that... "YOU MUST KEEP EATING HUMAN! YOU ARE ALL BONES! NYEHEHEH!"

Oh god... his laughter was a perfect description of a true child-like psychopath. "OR PERHAPS WE CAN START WITH SOME PUZZLES? YES! LETS DO THAT."

Once he said that, Papyrus stormed off ahead... however, he stopped in his tracks to say something without actually turning around. "AND ANOTHER THING, HUMAN."

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