:.Only a suggestion.:

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(Ah... and now it is time for chapter thirty two. This is progressing amazingly in my opinion, better than I expected for sure. Also, I apologize that this update was a bit later. I was trying to get my work done for the next several days so I can update a lot more. So then, since I have the next few pages strongly formatted- I think that I might do two updates tomorrow instead of just one haha. I should be able... anyway, enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

After what happened, Sans glared at me for insisting that we get back to work. I still had my tools in hand, so it did seem like the perfect time. Not only that, but I wouldn't stop raising my injured foot off of the ground from its lack of balance. It didn't want to support my weight anymore...

Because of this, Sans tried to carry me around phiscally. Once I complained about his blood soaked outfit, saying that I didn't want him to get any blood on my clothes... he instead grabbed me by my Soul without complaint. Normally, he would of given me some kind of snarky response... but after I thanked him, he seemed different.

Carrying me behind him with the use of his Soul Magic, we finally managed to come upon the Core. This was obviously faster than me walking, and probably much more safe. For several more hours, the skeleton dropped me into the depths of the Core where I worked, but soon the heat started to get to me... and he was quick to notice my discomfort. "I'm fine Sans. Just another three hours, we can get this running by then. I just need to put the prototype in and then configure some of the files-"

"I'm gonna stop ya right there, cupcake. You've stressed yourself out enough. I'm not gonna do this until we get some proper sleep. I mean- even Paps seemed pretty mad last time I saw him. In fact, he told me to sleep with ya." He said with a small chuckle.

As the skeleton pulled me in close so that our faces were inches apart, I saw that overly cocky grin that he was wearing. It took me a moment to connect the dots before I gave him a look disbelief. At this, he chuckled deeply. "What? Ya don't want ta sleep with me?"

His words were followed by a quick wink of his eye socket. I had the immediate desire to hide my face from his prying stare, especially since I could feel my cheeks heating up. However, after seeing his attitude and how he treated this situation... I felt the need to put him in his place. "Hmm... that depends."

Sans' stare caught my own in an instant, he seemed taken in by the low voice that I gave him. It was obviously enough to catch his attention, because right now... he didn't dare to look away. "You see, I'm quite difficult to keep up with. So if you want to play with me, then you best give me the leading role."

"What, ya don't think that I can keep up with ya?" He asked blankly. Smirking at him since he was caught off guard, I gave him a lazy wink to further fortify my claim. This playful moment between us seemed so... right.

"No need to sound so upset, Sansy~ After all, it was only a suggestion." I said teasingly. He sneered at me for a brief moment before deciding to teleport the both of us into his bedroom. I already tested his patience, but thanks to our exhaustion... nothing would happen. However, if Sans were in heat again, he would of had the energy to act.

But for now, he seemed calm. Although... I've learned time and time again not to trust what I assumed about him, because he would always be entirely unpredictable. "I'm gonna go and get ya something to eat."

"I thought that you were doing that before you left me earlier?" I asked. After I said this, Sans used his Soul magic to place me on top of his bed carefully. He was giving me that half lidded stare again, causing him to have an unreadable expression. Slowly, he moved his phalanges to the crack in his skull, scratching at it a few times before finally finding his correct answer.

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