:.First date.:

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(And here is the next chapter for the consecutive update! Hopefully there aren't too many errors. Enjoy everyone!)

---Sans' Pov---

Damn she looked fucking hot. After I checked out a few things for our date, I came back to see her leaning over that Human girl. I guess that she must of said something that pissed off my cupcake... and for once, I felt torn over killing her for irritating (Y/n), or just letting her stay alive for giving me a pleasurable sight.

Before I could make a decision that would cause another Reset, I dragged (Y/n) into my chest and held onto her firmly. One of my arms were wrapped around her chest to effectively pin her down, while my other hand moved to the back of her head to play with her hair. She could probably feel the sharpened tips of my claw like fingers in her scalp... but I didn't really care.

I took in a heavy breath, instantly inhaling her intoxicating scent. Between how much my Soul yearned for her before was nothing in comparison to right now. And as long as I had her device, I could probably force her into doing whatever I wanted. Not to mention the fact that she said that she'd be staying here- I heard it clearly. The words made me feel relieved...

And the fact that I caught her telling Paps a bedtime story? I haven't done that for him in years! But seeing her doing it... it made me realize that she had a soft spot for us. My instincts were screaming at me, telling me something that I couldn't deny- they were saying that she'd make an excellent mother.

However, my instincts were telling me that for an entirely different reason. I couldn't lie- my Soul demanded her to be mated to me, and I was not going to tell myself no. I like her, I want to be with her. And to be perfectly honest, I wasn't plannin' on giving her a choice at this point.

But yet... (Y/n) is crafty, and I need to be committed to this in order to outsmart her. If I'm not, then she'll just evade me. Sure I could keep threatening her with the device, but she'll eventually get it if I don't keep my guard up. "Sans?"

I mean, I've considered the most well thought out schemes as of late that she could pull. (Y/n)'s plans could be compared to the work of an artist, they were generally well thought out and beautifully executed. I don't know what she'll be trying to do during our date, but I've thought out just about every possibility. She can't catch me off guard this time, I'm entirely prepared.

"Sans?" And then there was the whole... not eating thing. I wasn't going to turn her into a cannibal, that could probably get her pretty sick. Anyone else? I couldn't care less... but not her. Watching her starve herself has been painful to look at, especially since she lied about how much food she had, just so she could sneak some of her sweets to both Papyrus and myself. Paps wasn't too happy about it, and neither was I. "Sans!"

"Huh?" Snapping back to reality, I noticed that my grip was getting tighter and tighter on (Y/n). Aliza was watching my twisted smile grow from the safety of the couch... but judging by her expression, it almost looked like she was waiting for (Y/n) to suffocate to death. Shrugging the idea of that off, I teleported both of us away.

My Soul was practically begging for me to go back to the house and cut off her head as a warning for that shitty look... but maybe later. "Sorry about that, cupcake. I was thinkin' about somethin'."

She nodded carefully while looking around, only for her eyes to land upon Grillby's. Yep, we were here. I wasn't sure where to bring her, especially since the rocks in Waterfall cave no longer light up, and Hotland was a bit too close to Queen Undick for my taste.

Releasing my hold on her body, I was quick to replace It with my grip on her wrist so I could drag (Y/n) inside. "Yep. You haven't been here yet, right? Figured it'd be a good place for our first date. Plus, Grillbz has been wanting to see ya after you passed on that medication for him."

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