:.My devotion.:

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(As I suggested, these last few chapters will be longer, probably around 3k+ words. I want to cap it off at forty chapters, but I do have a lot of content to show in this before it can be concluded. Also, this chapter has some sexual content- read at your own risk or just skip it aha. There also shouldn't be too many errors, but it is a longer chapter. Enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

Quietly we held each other, not bothering to talk since we were perfectly fine with taking in each other's warmth. Although I couldn't perceive his thoughts, I took no time in pushing my forehead against his. The gesture appeared to be appreciated by Sans while I rubbed circles of comfort along his spine.

It wasn't too loud, but neither was I oblivious to the purring noise that he made. Finally, once I sensed him coming out of his animalistic state... after two hours of it, I let out a hum of content. "Are you alright?"

"Seriously? You're askin' me something like that?! You were the one who got hurt..." He stated lowly, his voice was deep and underlined with fear. Obsessively, the skeleton pulled me further into him, seeking comfort in the knowledge that I was alive. "Why... would you do that? M' supposed to be the one takin' care of ya."

"You don't need to take care of me, Sans... regardless, I am just glad that you were not hurt." I replied honestly. He blinked suddenly with a look of confusion before finally finding some kind of decent answer.

"One day, I will take care of ya. You won't have a say in it, and I will be perfectly content doin' it."

Chuckling at his statement, he seemed to be set on his words. My eyes slowly moved towards the door which was now closed, causing Sans to let out a low growl with the immediate thought that I was considering leaving. "Relax, bones."

He raised an non-existent eyebrow at the small nickname that seemed suitable for this very moment. Closing my eyes with a deep sigh, I knew that the feeling was faint but that it was definitely still there... "Seven."

Sans gave me a look of confusion, causing me to explain myself. "I am certain that there are seven more Humans here in the Underground. They are not close... however, they do have malicious intent."

"How do ya know that?" He asked while readjusting his hold on me so that he could keep me closer for a sense of security. Humming in acknowledgment, I guess that I never did tell him... he has been piecing it together, but he does finally deserve the explanation.

"It took me awhile, but I managed to learn how to use my Soul trait properly. It represents perception within its lilac color.  A mixture of determination and integrity. The very concept of those two traits allows me to be deeply connected to both the honesty in people, and myself. I can practically define right from wrong... and with my determination, that is completely amplified. Strong to the point of being able to sense ill intent from others... which leads me to detecting even the faintest of lies."

"I see... too bad that ya didn't fall. If it was you rather Frisk with the ability of RESET, maybe this would all be different." He mumbled more to himself than to me. I tilted my head at what he said before deciding to use a single hand to guide his stare into my own.

"I doubt that I would of been able to Reset. I have determination, but I cannot amplify it like they do. Perhaps I would be able to catch a glimpse of the screen, save or even load options. But I do not possess enough determination to actually press them."

My words seemed to easily reassure him that I'd never be able to betray him with such a power, but I do not think that he was hinting towards that idea. "Can I take off your coat, cupcake?"

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