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(Aha, this story will be getting fairly interesting soon enough. I mean, a reader that is almost fearless in Horrortale? A little bit different, but still interesting haha. Anyway, Enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

"How did you know about the ketchup?" Flowey asked as I gave him my attention. I offered him a confused look as I skillfully evaded several unusual puzzles through his guidance. "I mean... how did you know that it would calm him down?"

"I didn't." I admitted blankly as we soon came upon the long bridge that would connect us to Snowdin. I wasn't bothered by heights or anything, but this bridge looked as if it's seen better days. "I didn't even know if the ketchup would be useful or not."

"Useful? Are you crazy or something?" Flowey suddenly screeched as I started to carefully move across the bridge. "There is no greater ally to you in all of the Underground other than that bottle of ketchup!"

"Heh. I guess it was a good idea to bring two." Once I mentioned this, the flower's eye widened in surprise.

"You HAVE another one of those? That's like... a freebie for dealing with Sans!" He said with newfound excitement. Finally I managed to reach the other side of the bridge, causing me to sigh in relief that I didn't fall. "And trust me, Sans is the worst one down here. He is just too unpredictable, you never know what that guy is thinking."

"Yeah. I haven't been scared of anything for awhile now... but him? That skeleton makes me feel nervous." I guess that having a conversation like this with my guide wasn't a bad idea... I couldn't just be rude to him. "Hmm... feels like a magical shift in the atmosphere. The snow is going to pick up soon."

"Really? You can sense that?" He suddenly asked as I gave him a small nod. It's just like Gaster said, I have a unique Soul that represents perception. That doesn't mean that I know everything, but I am quite alert to my surroundings.

Moving faster against the cold snow, I was starting to look around for Sans... I thought that he'd be here by now, trying to harass me in some way. But I guess that Flowey said it best. Sans is unpredictable. 

Soon we finally managed to arrive in Snowdin. The town seemed dead, nowhere near as lively as Gaster once mentioned. Pulling my black scarf higher due to the bloodthirsty looks that I was receiving, I couldn't help but feel concerned. These monsters were looking at me as if I were a piece of meat... but in their minds, I guess that I was. "Avoid eye contact..."

When Flowey whispered this, I decided to pick up my pace. No doubt Papyrus would be passing through soon enough, assuming that Sans told him about me showing up. Of course, he'd probably leave out the fact that I gave him the cold shoulder.

I decided to take some of the more quiet paths through the town. Monsters were sizing me up by now, probably in the hopes that they could hunt me down and put me on their dinner table.

Once Flowey and I reached the skeleton brother's home, I was quick to move around to the back of the house where the shed was. My guide seemed a little bit unsure as I pulled the same pins that I used earlier from my (H/c) hair.

Crouching in front of the door, I tried to pick the lock with no avail. The door was sealed shut, not opening anytime soon. "What a nuisance... this lock is uniquely coated with some type of magic. I need a key to get it open."

"Where are we going to find a damned key?" I could tell the flower dreaded my next words, and quite honestly... so did I. I just wanted this job to be over with, finish it without worrying about looking over my shoulder every ten seconds.

"Well, I do know where it is... but I would much prefer to avoid going into that psychopath's room." Flowey paled when I said this, quickly realizing that I was referring to Sans.

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