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(So like, I stated that this story was going to be a slow burn aha. And it still will be- its just that It might not appear to be due to the lack of chapters to accompany that promise. However, please keep in mind that my chapters are long and contain 1950+ words each. Anyway, now that this note is over with... please enjoy the next chapter!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

My head was currently being plagued by an awful headache. Sans really did manage to get the better of me... but I can't say that I am completely surprised. I mean. I did break into his house.

Using my ability to take in my surroundings, I could feel the dampness of the room that I was in. It smelt horrible, like rotting corpses to be exact. While a normal person would be gagging or maybe even falling unconscious, I wasn't too affected by the smell.

Now what else... the space around me felt constrictive, leading me to believe that I was thrown into a cage. Beneath me was obviously a solid floor, likely made of cement.

So anyone might be wondering... why am I not just looking around? Well, the answer is simple. Sitting in front of the cage and giving me a fixated stare was Sans. Of course someone might question my ability to identify the skeleton, but he was still tapping his fingers against the blade of his cleaver.

Tap.... tap.... tap...

This silence was unnerving, but I was willing to keep it up until he left. "I know that you're awake, human."

Oh. Fantastic.

Snapping my (E/c) eyes open, I decided to lift myself into a sitting position. Almost instantly, I could feel dried blood against the side of my face from where I was hit. Sans gave me a chilling smirk that was quickly followed by a chuckle. "How long have I been in this cage."

"Almost a day." He replied while leaning back into his chair. "Honestly, if you slept anymore... you might of ended up deep rest."

That should of caused me to chuckle, but the situation wasn't exactly favorable to me. Being caged like this wasn't efficient... especially since I had a job to do. "Despite this lovely social interaction... would you mind releasing me? "

Taking a look at the wall behind him, I saw the skull of a child pinned up against it... was this prison frequently used? The blood lining the floor in several areas was probably a clear indicator. 

"What?" He seemed to look at me as if I had given him the stupidest request possible. "Human. You're kind of a freak, huh?"

"I mean... you never even took the time to meat my brother." Sans mused.

"Sure. Because I naturally live to associate myself with human consuming Monsters. If you haven't noticed, I do not desire to be on the menu." I stated bluntly. Sans simply chuckled as he raked his fingers against the blade of his cleaver to create a high pitched screeching sound.

"Well... You have about two days before I chop you up. I'm not about to butcher our next meal... so we'll have to kill time for a bit. Heh." After what he said, I was pretty sure that he was implying that he wanted to get to know me. I could tell that the skeleton was curious about my antics, but I wasn't just going to open up to him. My promise comes first. "So tell me. Do you have a name?"

"You're kind of a freak, huh? Giving names to your food. Ludacris." Mocking him for his own words... I was expecting a snappy remark, but instead he responded by throwing his cleaver at me.

After managing to move out of the way, I was only quick enough to evade a fatal blow to my head. I wasn't expecting his weapon to cut my cheek. "Heh... I missed."

Stone Cold Pacifist (Horror Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now