:.In plain sight.:

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(And here is the update for today! Now we just need to see if I can find time to do a second one today! Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

Now anyone with some kind of intelligence would probably be wondering- how the hell did I manage to evade Sans for the last three days? Well, I only had one more day until his heat was over. And surprisingly? He still hasn't figured it out.

Smirking to myself as I laid back with a small sigh, I was content to finally feel comfortable again. However, between my cough and hunger... I really found it hard to sleep. Not to mention the paranoia that I felt.

You see... I decided that the best way to avoid Sans, who I intentionally pissed off with little effort...

Was to hide in his own room. In plain sight.


He'd never expect it.

When I came in here, panting and out of breath, I was confronted by Papyrus who seemed elated to see me. He asked me if I saw his brother, and I responded with a firm yes. Next Paps asked me if I came back 'home' because of him... and I also said yes. Not that I was lying or anything.

Truthfully, I only managed to make it out of Waterfall by finding a boat. I think that it belonged to the Riverperson... but they were not around to offer me a ride. Sans could not easily pursue my scent once I started down the water, as a result... he probably assumed that I either stayed in the cave or went to more unfamiliar ground such as Hotland.

Now about Aliza? She came back just yesterday. I wouldn't doubt that Sans was taking a lot of frustration out on her since she was around to take it. Wanting to feel sympathy for her was not possible while she shuffled around, equally unaware that I was here.

With a small sigh, I moved my hand down to trace my old wound in my knee. It happened because I stumbled from a sudden headache that was quick to come with me being sick. But right after the wound, I was close enough to restrain her. Lets just say that she wasn't too fond of hanging around.

Wincing once I made contact with the wound, I knew that the blade went in very deep. Sure I managed to bandage it up, but it still hurt a lot. Also, since I wasn't sure if Sans would be back or not... I made sure to plan for his return. My escape route since he'd probably be surprised to see me was through Papyrus' window. And then hopefully... a straight run into the woods behind their house.

I was fairly certain that Sans would only come back once he was exhausted. So his teleporting would be very limited. However, once he saw me... who knows what could happen?

Grabbing a nearby pillow, I made sure to hold it against my chest. I always enjoyed soft objects, much like the fluffiness of Sans' hood. Speaking of which, I have no idea as to were he put my coat- and that could only result in once thing.

Springing to my feet in a way that thankfully did not make the floor creak, I was quick to move over to his dresser. Pulling one of the drawers open, I found what I was looking for. In fact, it didn't take long for me to put on one of his blue hoodies... and this one wasn't too stained.

Turning to face the door once I heard a loud slam, I could feel my eyes narrowing with unease. That was the front door slamming closed... he was back. Immediately, I held in a breath out of pure instinct while trying to listen in on his conversation. Aliza was probably fairly nervous as well since I heard her let out a yelp.

Exiting Sans' room with caution, I made sure to not make the slightest sound while moving towards Paps' door. I had to get out of his window before I was noticed. "BROTHER, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"

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