:.Finally moving forward.:

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(So um... It might sound rather entertaining, but I actually was somewhat late on this chapter because I may- or may not... of wrote some of it in French ._. Sometimes, you're really just that tired lmao. So I apologize for the delay since I had to make a lot of corrections, haha! Enjoy!~)

---Sans' Pov---

I walked down the halls of the True Lab, feeling a heavy emptiness on my Soul as I kept moving forward. After about two hours of looking through the depths of my phone with Gaster, I was able to find the unknown ID of someone who texted me two years ago... and the response that was given to her.

Since I desperately wanted to kill Frisk, who had betrayed me like just about everyone else... I decided to stay in the Underground until I had (Y/n). No doubt she'd be younger, and I'd need to come up with a way to give her a comfortable life... but first I needed her here. Where I could keep her safe.

My instincts were driving me to insanity, reminding me too much about how fragile she was right now. (Y/n) was technically a child, despite being completely grown up mentally.

Being released meant that I needed to do things differently than how I would of done them back in the Underground... there would of been no rules to this otherwise.

Gaster couldn't remember where she lived, and when we both tried to figure out our strain in memory... it only came down to one conclusion. We were not only put back into a very far Reset, but our bodies were also repaired of their previous damage. We couldn't remember anything properly, because of how our mentality was so fractured by injuries. Going back to when everything was fine, when I didn't have my wound meant that my more primitive nature was being suppressed... It was heightened with my injury, and with it came my deepest desires for (Y/n).

Losing the crack in my skull made me seem normal, alright... but it only buried my (Y/n) deeper into my subconscious. My reactions being more instinctive reminded me that she was missing, that I wanted to hold her and never let go. That something was fucking wrong. But without the memory properly intact, I couldn't place my feelings, or my desire for what I wanted.

So after getting that letter... my Soul went into a state of panic with all of my emotions crashing down at the same time. I lost it, my sanity broke. And with it...

I smirked dangerously as my phalanges dug into an axe that I held in hand, scratching across the blade to make an unpleasant sound.

And with it, that piece of me that was missing came back. I didn't feel as empty anymore, feeling like my self again never felt so fucking great.

Cackling loudly, Gaster placed a hand on my shoulder. I was so lost in my spur of laughter, that I didn't notice his approach... its been a few days since we attempted to discover her location. "Did ya find her?"

"I've managed to track the phone that was used to contact you. However, we have very little time. This is the address, but judging by that letter that you received... we might be too late." He said with irritation while handing me a note. I didn't like the idea of that, so instead, I brought the handle of my weapon against my collar bone to produce a familiar tapping sound. Guess ya could say that I was counting.

"M' mate is strong. She'll hang on until I get there..." I replied, trying to convince myself that nothing will happen. Though, deep inside my bones... I had a feeling that this would be a long night. "Just have everything ready."

Reluctantly, the doctor handed me a syringe that was filled with a transparent substance... I stared at it for only a moment before he elaborated. "This is a type of adrenaline to keep her heart in proper motion. I've mixed a stabilizer into it for her Soul as a precaution."

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