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(And now... things start to develop less around the character, and more towards the relationship. I am thinking of doing an extra series, maybe a little smaller? It will be a Soul Mate one... but which Sans? Well, I don't really know yet lol. Anyway I'm sorry if this story is going to be somewhat off meta. Like how Sans is now actually eating humans like the rest of the monsters before Aliza falls. Also.... I am sorry for the slower update, I've been away for a few days haha. Enjoy the next chapter!~)

---Sans' Pov---

"Heh... should I knock?" I asked myself while twirling my axe skillfully. My free hand moved up to scratch the head wound that I had, showing my contemplation over the question. "Yeah. I'm a nice guy. I'll knock."

And with that, I raised the axe above my head and smashed it down into the ruin doors. A loud sound reverberated through the area, getting louder with each hit.

"Knock. Knock." I shouted menacingly. Saying that I was pissed off would be an understatement... slowly the door opened a crack to reveal the crazed yet confused face of Toriel.

"Sans? Why are you here?" She asked calmly. Her eyes were forced open beyond comprehension, easily showing the lack of sleep from her hunger. I smirked nonchalantly as my arm reached through the crack of the entrance to grab her by her throat.

"You were supposed to say... W H O ' S  T H E R E." When I said this in the most terrifying way possible, my grin was wide and insane with my eye sockets void of any life. I didn't want to eat humans, I didn't want to in the slightest... but as time would have it, I eventually had no choice. I was barely holding on to myself. "So. You think... THAT YOU CAN JUST HOLD ON TO YOUR RESERVES? LET EVERYONE FUCKING STARVE?! LET ME STARVE?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. There is barely anything here!" She snapped. Despite the anger that she was attempting to portray, she obviously had a look of pure horror. "What is this about?!"

"The Human that passed through the ruins. She had Monster Food." Once I said this, Toriel looked at me oddly... and being a good judge of character... I knew that look. She didn't have the slightest clue about any of this.

Releasing her with a huff of annoyance, I let her fall back to the ground below her. "You never saw the Human pass through?"

Looking at the tips of my sharpened skeletal fingers with a half lidded eye, Toriel seemed to search for a response. My axe was pinned through the slight opening in the door to prevent it from closing.

"No... but I came home a few days ago to my door being unlocked. I always lock my doors."

My eye immediately widened as I swore under my breath. "Shit..."

And just like that, I vanished through the use of my teleportation. Reappearing in the house, I looked around frantically before noticing Papyrus in the kitchen with his hands in something sticky. "Paps. Is the Human still doing that puzzle?"

"NHEH? YES. I TOOK THEIR MEASUREMENTS ABOUT AN HOUR AGO." He proclaimed. I sighed in relief before heading towards the back room. Everything seemed in order, the door was closed and what not.

Walking down the basement stairs with a sly smirk, I tapped my axe against my shoulder repeatedly with a small chuckle. My bones started to make an eerie sound from the contact of the weapon. "Alright, Human. I think that we've kept you long enough-"

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I noticed that the cage was empty. That human was missing... 

Approaching the prison slowly, my phalanges dug into the surface of the lock, noticing that she probably picked it. The only thing left in the enclosed space was the tattered remains of a paper... the junior jumble to be exact. Did she rip it up out of frustration? I really wanted to call her an idiot, but she DID get out of here and even managed tp slip past Papyrus who happened to be rather sensitive to any sound.

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