:.Bonded Fate.:

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(Well, I am sorry that this chapter is a little bit later than anticipated aha. We only have about ten chapters left including this one, as I want to peak forty in total. It is a lot to read, but all the same is something fun to do. I am putting together all of my next ideas for the newest Sans x Reader now too. It is important for me to make a layout so everything appears as smooth as possible for my lovely readers- Anyway, I hope that everyone enjoys!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

Low whispering could be heard, it was faint but I chose to ignore it since I was being heavily influenced by my dream. Sans could probably make out my unease, but I just wasn't able to stir awake. This is how I became an insomniac.

A skeletal figure appeared before me, shrouding me into its endless veil of shadows. From beyond the closet that I hid in, I could still make out the pained screams of my mother fighting for her life. My father was already long dead, and the footsteps of the intruders could be heard pacing.

"Don't speak..." The voice of Gaster mumbled out calmly. He was taking this situation better than any average individual should. Despite my young age, I was able to understand his language. He always made sure to teach me while growing up since my parents were always so busy. I knew things that someone as small as myself shouldn't of.

Shivering at the sound of a gun being fired, I didn't really scream. This memory came to me frequently, only for me to eventually recall that it wasn't real. That I am okay right now.

After a few moments, the scene switched to something else that I knew all too well. Gaster was standing next to a window, staring up at Mount Ebott while I worked on the Prototype that he was instructing me to build. I was able to ask him many questions during his brief moment of nostalgia. "I've known you since I was born. That expression you're wearing... that's the expression of someone who is worried."

"My young assistant, your perception never ceases to amaze me." He hummed in conformation. Not wanting to push our little talk any further, I remained quiet so that he could speak if he wanted to. "You know, I actually only managed to come in contact with you during the age of one. You were such a small thing- so innocent."

"Innocence is something that we're born with. We just happen to lose it as our life progresses." I said with a small nod. He didn't turn away from the mountain, not caring to even look at my work to see if it was correct. He trusted my skills. "Does your lack of existence bother you?"

There was no response. He only sighed as rain started to fall from the sky, pelting against the roof of the hideout.  I wasn't going to push the topic any further, nor did I really care to. We're only partners- not friends... "(Y/n)."

I froze. He never calls me by my name... or at least, that is what I assumed. "Please. Give them a second chance. They deserve that much."

A second... chance?




Finally, my eyes snapped open to reveal their (E/c) color. I could feel something damp sliding down the sides of my cheeks while Sans stared at me with a look of concern. Taking in my surroundings, I realized that I was back on his bed... "Is something wrong? You seem stressed?"

"Stressed? STRESSED? You were fucking crying! Of course I'm gonna be freakin' out!" He shouted. His eye sockets were as empty as the void, they made him appear so serious. He didn't have that calm exterior that he usually wore, I mean the one that would amplify his sinister self. Bringing my hand up to test his theory, I did in fact feel tears. I was crying.

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