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Lux's Pov

As haim skates his way over to veronica, eager to finally talk to her after getting advice from me. I saw Veronica turn Feldman around since he was right next to her, push him behind her in the opposite direction. 

As that was happening Haim took hold of him and pushed him again, making Feldman spin around and lose control of his balance as he came over this way and knocked into me, us both falling on the ground.

I fell on my ass pretty hard as he fell on his side, I sat up with a look of annoyance, staring at him and holding my lower back in pain. He sits up too, holding his head. I glare at him for making me fall, me only skating for two minutes and I already fall on my ass, that sounds like me.

I hold my lower back. "Oh watch where you're going, blockhead!"

He looks at me, us finally making eye contact, his face full of shock and bewilderment. "Oh uh..I-I'm sorry" He stutters as he scrambles to his feet. "Let me help you," He says, already grabbing both my hands and helping me stand up, without me saying anything.

I smack his hands away from me. "I got it, I got it. I don't need help." I grumble at him as I held my head high in confidence fixing my jacket, as he just watches me with curiosity.

He squints his eyes at me. "I was trying to help you, you don't gotta be so rude to me." He snapped at me as I roll my eyes and skate away.

I hear his skates following behind me. "Do you..uh..know who I am? You know I'm Haim's best friend right?" He questions as I side-eyed him. "I'm sure he's mentioned me before?" I declared with confidence and pride. Of course, I know him, Haim and he is always together. I've never talked to him, I've only seen him talk to Veronica so I just assumed he didn't like me.

I nod. "Yeah, I know who you are," I answer looking at him with a wink, as he stiffens in shock and surprise. "You're the boy in my volleyball and History class who talks to Veronica all the time" I stated with a smirk.

He smiled gazing at me. "Yeah, that's me, the best on the team!" He replied, placing his hands on his hips and holding his head up high with confidence, trying to be cool.

It wasn't particularly working but it was cute that he was trying. I hid my very small amused smile from him. "Right..." I nod with a smirk looking up at him.

"You're originally from New York, right?" He questions as he watches my face for some type of answer.

I sigh. "No, from Kansas," I replied keeping my gaze forward at Haim and Veronica, him finally listening to my advice because it seems they've hit it off. Well, of course, he's all she talks about sometimes.

I see Feldman stiffen with a confused expression as he points to Veronica in front of us. "But Veronica said-"

"Feldman, come on!" I exclaimed looking at him with disbelief, he actually thought I was serious. "Do I really look like I'm from Kansas!?" I know he must not think I'm actually serious, just look at the way I dress. No girl from Kansas dresses the way I do. He seems nervous about something, I wonder why? He should just think of me as one of the guys, after all, he must like Veronica anyways, he's always around her. That seems like a more logical explanation anyway.

His face changes from a confused vacant expression to a sly, coy smile as his eyes scan my body with a small smirk. "...I see.." His voice is low as his eyes continue to stare at me when he should be looking where he's going. I'm sure he's just as good on skates as he is with volleyball so he should watch where he's going.

He stumbled on his skates as he regained his balance and finally faced forward again as I scoffed since he almost fell yet again. He glares at me as I shake my head mockingly. " So, Cupcake how about-"

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