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Veronica's outfit is above.

This is a continuation of the last chapter.

Veronica's pov

I had only ten minutes until Haim would come to pick me up, and I was panicking. Why? I have no idea, it's honestly just us two hanging out as friends like usual. I'm overreacting.

I paced back and forth between the front window and the kitchen, too into my thoughts to hear the doorbell. I was brought out of my thoughts by my dad and his girlfriend who let me know Haim was here. I smiled at both of them, saying goodbye and grabbing my bag that was by the door.

I opened the door to be met with Haim smiling brightly at me. I can already feel my cheeks turning red and he hasn't even said anything yet. "Hi," I exclaimed with a grin, his never faltering.

His smile grew wider. "Hi." We both just stood there. Why wasn't he walking me towards his car? Am I supposed to invite him in? His eyes sort of glanced inside my house. "...Aren't you gonna invite me in?" He questioned in a sweet voice that wasn't at all rude.

I looked at him dumbfounded. Damnit! Where have my manners gone? Whoops!. I blinked a few times to process. "Oh Yes, sorry Corey,'' I replied, trying to hide how awkward I felt.

I stepped aside, letting him in and softly shutting the door behind him. I let out a sigh. Ugh, let's hope that doesn't happen again.

He was incredibly kind to my father and his girlfriend which I hope made a good impression on them both, my father mostly. Once that was done he opened the front door for me like a gentleman as we walked outside to his car.

I smiled at him as he opened the passenger door for me with yet another bright grin as he gestured inside the car. I thanked him and sat inside the car, watching as he scurried over to the driver's seat with a bounce in his step.

He got in the car, turning to me the minute he shut the door. "So, honey, besides the arcade is there anything else you wanna do?"

I glanced at him and almost laughed. Why is he asking me that? It's his birthday! "Well, I should be asking you that since it's your birthday" I pointed out, smiling at him. "But yes, how about we go out to eat afterward?" I asked, looking at him directly for an answer.

He smiled and nodded. "Sounds great, Honey." He answered me with a smirk as he started up his car and we started to drive away. I gazed out of the window, smiling to myself. I was happy to just be hanging out with him, I just hope the rest of the day isn't awkward, but knowing me...it will be somehow.

I kept my gaze out the window. "How's your birthday been so far?" I asked him.

He smiled at me. "It's actually been pretty good. I got some gifts and Feldman barged into my house, singing Happy Birthday, so that was great." He rolled his eyes, laughing at the thought of Feldman doing so. I stifled a laugh as well, Feldman can be such a riot.

Within a few minutes, we were at the arcade as I saw Haim's eyes light up with excitement. Watching this brought a smile to my face, seeing I did the right thing in inviting him here for his birthday. He pulled into the parking lot of the arcade, getting out of his side rather quickly and skipping over to help me yet again.

Once he opened the door he held his hand out for me to take, which I did. He closed the door behind me but didn't let go of my hand. In fact, he took a firm grip on my hand. "I don't know about you but I'm excited!" He exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

We walked up to the entrance as there weren't that many other kids there, thank god. Corey, once again opened the door for me as we both walked in. Everyone was too busy playing video games to even care who walked in, and that's what I liked about the arcade. Nobody pays attention to anyone.

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