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Lux's POV

Lux's birthday outfit is above 🖤

This chapter is extremely long!

Saturday, Lux's Birthday

It's early March, my birthday. Great, another year I get older, so what's the point? I know, I know I'm being narrow-minded about the whole station. It's just a birthday. It's not a big deal. I stumbled out of bed at eleven and made my way downstairs to meet my parents.

They were both waiting for me in the kitchen. They both wished me a Happy Birthday and made me chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast with candles. I had a peaceful nice birthday breakfast with them.

After breakfast, I went back to my room to ponder what I would do for the day since my parents told me I can do what I would like today. Whether that involves hanging with my friends or them, something like that.

I was looking at myself in the mirror not loving the way I looked this morning when my phone on the bedside table rang. I roll my eyes already having a feeling who it could be.

I trudged over and sat on my bed and answered the phone with a huff. "..Yes, Veronica?"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Veronica shouted on the other line with a giggle.

I held the receiver away from my ear due to Veronica being extremely loud, I sighed out of annoyance. "..Thank you, V." I announce with a soft smile even though she can't see.

"Move the shades!" Veronica orders me with her constant bubbly voice.

I rolled my eyes, I just woke up. I don't need this right now, it's too early. "..Oh, Veronica please.-"

"Just do it!" She interrupts me with an annoyed voice. "...Please?" Her voice now has a softer tone.

I let out a huge sigh. I know she doesn't mean any ill will, she must be trying to tell me something. "Ugh!" I reluctantly got up and moved the blinds to see her aggressively waving at me through her window across the street.

I nod and wave slowly at her as her smile never faltered. I quickly close the blinds and roll my eyes. "Is that all you wanted to call me for?" I questioned with sarcasm as I sat back down on the bed.

"No, no, no I have something to talk to you about." She answered frantically trying to stop me from hanging up. "You're hanging out with Bender for your birthday today." She blurts out.

I blink a few times to try and process what she was telling me. I haven't even spoken to Bender at all today, what gives her the impression that I'm going out with him. "..Wh-what are you talking about?" I questioned.

"I already called Bender, he's gonna pick you up at one.." She informs me frantically. "..So get ready."

I shook my head and blinked a few times out of complete shock and devastation. This is all too much for me on my birthday. I know she's my best friend but she can't tell me what to do. "..Uh..when was this arranged?" I questioned with sarcasm.

"This morning.." She answered in a low voice. "..I told him it would be a good idea for him to take you out on your birthday." She continued as I swear I heard her smile over the phone. "Hurry up, he'll be here soon!" She exclaimed frantically. "..Then come over to my house at eight." She then hangs up the phone.

I couldn't argue with her and let her know I don't need help making dates with Bender. She told me what to do today and where to be, I haven't even been able to let her know I didn't really wanna do anything.

I thought it would be better if I just did what she said, it's better than arguing with her so I'll put something nice on and call it a day.


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