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Veronica's pov

Monday, Lunch Time

Lux and I made our way to our usual lunch table, Feldman now a new addition to our lunch group. He appeared out of nowhere next to us, trying to flirt with Lux, making her groan and me laugh in response.

I sat down first in front of Andie. Feldman quickly scurried over and pointed to the seat next to me in a gentlemanly manner towards Lux, so she could sit down. I laughed as she rolled her eyes at him and sat down while he sat next to her.

I looked around, trying to see where Duckie was since he hadn't sat down next to me yet like he normally does. I shrugged, he'll be here soon. I was listening to Feldman still flirting with Lux, laughing at her reactions.

"Hiya, honey" I heard a dreamy voice from behind me, my face lighting up. I turned around to see Haim sit down next to me.

A blush slowly creeping its way onto my face. I tried to contain myself as I turned to talk to him. "H-hi Haim '' I replied, a slight smile appearing on my face as he looked at me.

Duckie came over, tapping Andie and not even saying anything to her. She looked up at him, trying to figure out his expression but couldn't due to his signature sunglasses that were on his face. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, why is he wearing them? We're indoors, something's up...

"Hi, Duckie" I announced looking at him now.

He took a big breath. "..Hi..." Duckie responded, cold and not like his usual self. I shot him a concerned look, he's been acting strange lately and I can't figure out why. Am I missing something? He sat down next to Andie, not saying anything else. I decided to leave it alone, maybe he's having a bad day? I'll ask him about it later when we're alone.

I turned my attention back to Haim as my eyes lit up from just looking in his general direction. Our eyes met, as his crystal blue eyes stared me down. If the blush wasn't noticeable before it was now. Ugh, I'm so embarrassed that I get red so easily! I hope he doesn't notice...oh who am I kidding, I look like a stupid strawberry.

I felt Lux jab my side slightly, as she had a stupid smirk plastered on her face. I glared at her for a slight second, she could embarrass me even more if she doesn't stop. I heard Haim slightly laugh at me and Lux's interaction, making me turn back to him.

I was about to talk to Haim again when I heard an intense voice from the other side of the table approaching us. Oh lord, we all know who that is. Bender.

I sighed as he was walking over to us. "What's up, losers? And Lux?" He asked, winking slightly at Lux. Bender?! Oh great, this should be fun! He and Feldman are not going to get along...let's just hope they don't fight?

I noticed Lux looking Bender up and down as she straightened herself up more, making me gasp. I glanced at Haim with a worried expression, dramatically turning to him and slightly grabbing his arm with anguish. Haim looks at his arm where I grabbed him and just lets it happen, smirking.

I sat up more, moving closer to his ear and whispering. "Haim, we can't let this happen! Her and Feldman would be so cute together! Plus we should make sure Feldman doesn't get worked up, I don't want him getting hurt because of Bender!" I looked to Feldman frantically, leaning over to see his hands clenched together. I was still holding onto Haim's for dear life.

Haim laughed. "Calm down, honey." He assures me tapping my hand that was still clenching his arm tightly. "If Lux is smart then she knows not to go with him. Trust me, it'll be okay." I gazed up at him with innocent, unknowing eyes.

Bender rests his elbows on the table, interlocking his fingers together. " So how have you been, sweetheart?" He asks Lux, not once taking his eyes off her. I sighed as I saw these two shamelessly flirting, with Feldman getting angrier every passing second.

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